917 PBandito Comments

  • water speed record holder. (1100mph) 9.8 years ago

    I leave my graphics all the way up and never think to change them

  • Folding Wings Flying Car 9.8 years ago

    I uploaded my newest folding wing design, check it out.

  • folding wings plane proto 2 9.8 years ago


  • folding wings plane proto 2 9.8 years ago

    I've been working on something all day with almost and identical rotation of the wings except they both rotate separately into the fuselage

  • water speed record holder. (1100mph) 9.8 years ago

    It crashed everytime for me.. Got to about 40% throttle and flipped @Boggartbob

  • Flying Car Proto version 1.0 9.8 years ago

    Try checking the Com/Col/Cot and moving the vertical stabilizer further back @DragonCreations

  • Folding wing test 9.8 years ago

    I made two new versions of this plane you can get ideas from. I think I am going to make another boat soon because those have been the funnest for me to make so far. @DragonCreations

  • Flying Car Proto version 1.0 9.8 years ago

    Very good first attempt, play around with this some more and see what else you can come up with! There's a ton of possibilities.

  • Folding wing test 9.8 years ago

    Hope that helps! @DragonCreations

  • Folding wing test 9.8 years ago

    Okay so do you know how to configure the rotators? As far as the controls? I downloaded your plane and noticed that the blocks you are trying to rotate are connected to other blocks that are fixed to the main fuselage, the blocks you want to rotate need to be only connected to the axle on the rotators if not they can't rotate. Download my plane and take it apart so you can see how I left the middle hollow to allow the blocks to remain free from the fuselage and rotate properly @DragonCreations

  • Folding wing test 9.8 years ago

    Check out Aginuzo's mech walker @DragonCreations

  • Folding wing test 9.8 years ago

    Thanks for the feedback, this is my first attempt at this. I just got bored and wanted to try something different, I may make a more advanced design in the future and try to make the primary wings fold twice, once where they meet the fuselage and one again in the middle so they are even more compact, and im not happy with the way the tail wings rotate. Just a fun test

  • Folding wing test 9.8 years ago

    I tested it out, your wings are very interesting @ETheGodly

  • Prototype X 9.8 years ago

    Really unique wings. I think it could be more aerodynamic in design, but I really like the rotating wings makes it really interesting to fly

  • USS Jundroo Mortar 9.8 years ago

    Pretty awesome to see stuff in this game besides just planes

  • "Exodus II" Exploration Ship 9.8 years ago

    Thank you for the 5 stars @Allstarship I am glad you like it! The iOS update finally came out yesterday and I couldn't wait to try making a few boats. I am way happier with how this one turned out than the first one I made. It's so much easier to steer with the engines moving on a pivot instead of a rudder. There is not a technical "rudder" piece in the game yet and wings just don't work.

  • FREE 5 star ratings 9.8 years ago

    Congrats to the winner, truly a nice plane

  • Cockpit Challenge 9.8 years ago

    I wanted to try something different I never use the large jet engines

  • The Supershank 9.8 years ago

    Thank you for the ratings and feedback. I use my iPhone 5s to make all my plans so they may handle slightly different for me on my phone compared to PC, but I made a new variant of this plane that handles better.

  • Sailing Boat 9.9 years ago

    This is awesome !

  • Dragster 9.9 years ago

    Im really not sure if there would be a way to produce downforce with wings. I played around with them for a while and if you mess with the wings too much then the car wants to lift off the ground @thelonewolf427

  • Dragster 9.9 years ago

    Thank you guys for the positive comments! I just came up with this while on a road trip yesterday. I would love to see the creator of simple planes come out with a car building game!

  • flyable missile 9.9 years ago

    Im glad to see you could make use of something I made :)