@SledDriver yup, I mainly switched to this because I wanted to make replicas even better but now I realize it's harder than I thought. And I mean exact replicas from top altatude to size and looks.
For starters you have too much fuel the engine can nearly move the plane use less fuel. Also a trick is with small planes the fuelsolage should be in sections so you can move the mass around easier so it's easy to make the plane fast stable and maneuverable. Good design for medium alt and low speed flying. I added a few 100mph and I will share the plane soon when I'm done but give credit to you
Thank you I try to make my aircraft the best and cheap and also look cool. I can post more of my aircraft if people would like but I'm not the best with SP so they won't always fly and look good@napkin7
@SledDriver yup, I mainly switched to this because I wanted to make replicas even better but now I realize it's harder than I thought. And I mean exact replicas from top altatude to size and looks.
@SledDriver I play a other game called ksp. I'm a lot better in it than this since I don't know how this games physics work yet
@SledDriver also I have more planes than the j8 check what I have posted and you will see
@SledDriver ok thank you
Also having the Alerons on the tips of the wings helps a lot with resisting stalling while rolling and using elevator.
For starters you have too much fuel the engine can nearly move the plane use less fuel. Also a trick is with small planes the fuelsolage should be in sections so you can move the mass around easier so it's easy to make the plane fast stable and maneuverable. Good design for medium alt and low speed flying. I added a few 100mph and I will share the plane soon when I'm done but give credit to you
Amazing aircraft very well done. I love how smooth you get your planes to be and I always wonder how.
Thank you I try to make my aircraft the best and cheap and also look cool. I can post more of my aircraft if people would like but I'm not the best with SP so they won't always fly and look good@napkin7