60 Planenerd2006 Comments

  • Arado Ar E.555 8.3 years ago

    Can you make a non-modded version?

  • Sejong the Great-class destroyer 8.3 years ago

    Can you make an EMW A9 rocket on top of an EMW A10 booster rocket?

  • English Electric Lightning Mk.2 8.3 years ago

    Can you make an EMW A9 on top of a EMW A10 booster rocket?

  • project E470F 8.3 years ago

    It is called the Arado E.470

  • Mil Mi-24 8.3 years ago

    Can You make a DFS Eber being towed by a Me-262?

  • Rocket Powered - Heinkel He 176 8.3 years ago

    It keeps combusting

  • Serversky P-35 8.3 years ago

    Where are your posts?

  • Serversky P-35 8.3 years ago

    Can you make an EMW A9? It's a German rocket/plane, you can't find it on luft46 but you can find it online.

  • Bf-130-B-2 (Instant Arial Launcher) 8.3 years ago

    It can also be used as an AA gun.

  • Serversky P-35 8.3 years ago

    Can you make all Versions of the Messerschmitt P.1079 Please?

  • B-2 Spirit 8.3 years ago

    Are you related to walrusaircraft?

  • Sombold So 334 8.3 years ago

    @kukimuki1234 ok

  • Sombold So 334 8.3 years ago

    Can you make a detachable landing gear dolly in the next version of this plane?

  • Sombold So 334 8.3 years ago

    Thank you kukimuki1234, this is one of my favorite planes!

  • Skoda-Kauba Sk P.14 8.3 years ago

    Can you make a Sombold So 344 next?

  • Skoda-Kauba Sk P.14 8.3 years ago

    Thank you very much, I love this plane!

  • Consolidated XP-33 8.3 years ago

    Is this the last American plane?

  • Curtiss XP-31 ''Swift'' 8.3 years ago

    @Dumpworks Is this the time were you will make the next German plane?

  • Curtiss XP-31 ''Swift'' 8.3 years ago

    Is this your last American plane?

  • For Everyone wondering 8.3 years ago


  • Focke Wulf TA 183 8.3 years ago

    @kukimuki1234 ok

  • Daimler-Benz DB 609 Jäger 8.3 years ago

    Are you going to make that Sombold So 344 I requested?

  • Focke Wulf TA 183 8.3 years ago

    @kukimuki1234 You have Made my day better, now start building, remember, the sombold so 344 has a detachable nosecone filled with explosives, can you make that feature, also include some Mk 108 cannons, also try something like a Gotha rammer.

  • Focke Wulf TA 183 8.3 years ago

    @kukimuki1234 Thank you, now I think you should now start building the sombold so 344

  • Boeing P-29 8.3 years ago

    Can you resume building German aircraft?

  • Boeing P-26 Peashooter 8.3 years ago

    Can you please resume making German planes, by the way, you can go on amazon to get Luftwaffe secret project books.

  • Focke Wulf TA 183 8.3 years ago

    Can you make a Sombold So 344?

  • Heinkel He 112A 'Blitzvogel' 8.3 years ago

    It's an unusually nice and detailed for a first plane

  • Curtiss XP-23 8.3 years ago

    @Dumpworks ok, but you can make some German fighters from time to time, I already have an idea for you, and it is the DFS Eber, and also the Junkers-Argus project.

  • Curtiss XP-23 8.3 years ago

    Where did the German planes go?

  • Focke Wulf TA 183 8.3 years ago

    Check out unicraft.biz for some awesome plane kits and some ideas for German fighter planes.

  • Lippisch LI P.09 8.3 years ago

    Is this plane real?

  • Lippish P.13a 8.3 years ago

    @SimpleFlow Hey, try to make something that nobody has ever built in SimplePlanes: a BMW Flugelrad.

  • Lippish P.13a 8.3 years ago

    @SimpleFlow what's the next german aircraft? I recommend you to go to unicraft.biz or luft46 for some German aircraft ideas.

  • Berliner-Joyce P-16 8.3 years ago

    I recommend you to make a skoda Kauba Sk. P14 with take-off dolly and skid.

  • Tröbshmitt TS-131 8.3 years ago


  • Boeing F3B 8.3 years ago

    Hey, check out my skoda Kauba Sk.p14 challenge!

  • Junkers 287-V1 8.3 years ago

    Could you please now make a Skoda Kauba Sk. P14? I haven't found even one skoda Kauba Sk. 14 on this website. So can you please make one?

  • Lippish P.13a 8.3 years ago

    Can you please make a skoda Kauba Sk P.14 next ?

  • Sombold So 345 (Project) 8.3 years ago

    Can you please make a sombold so 344 in a mistel configuration.

  • Boeing F2B 8.3 years ago

    Please make a skoda kauba Sk p.14. There is a page on it at Luft46 in the various section.

  • Curtiss XP-10 8.3 years ago

    Can you please make A Skoda Kauba Sk. P14, please go check out that plane on luft46.

  • Boeing Model-66 XP-8 8.3 years ago

    Can you make a Skoda Kauba Sk P.14