2,178 ProvingMars Comments

  • ->Click here to laugh<- 7.0 years ago

    Thank You, @chancey21

  • Worm Plane 7.0 years ago

    I see people posting worms and gears, but no worm gears...

  • Kalorien Bomber XD 7.0 years ago

    Und, was haben wir fur mittagessen???

    = )

  • ES-Hf mkI 7.0 years ago

    This one, also, is a bit dark in the thumbnail.

  • ES-HNf mkI 7.0 years ago

    You should post in brighter colors(colours) so we can see your build. Many people will not check a thumbnail they cannot see.
    Or, post 2. One of them light.
    Good job, btw.

    = )

  • Worms Found In KFC Chicken 7.0 years ago

    @sexylips35 ya, I still look in every few days.

  • Worms Found In KFC Chicken 7.0 years ago

    Good find on that video. That must be one disgusting KFC. Or, they have a lot of flies. Still, disgusting. The worms had gotten onto the chicken after it was cooked. Yuck!

    : P

  • AAPX-02 Raven 7.0 years ago

    You're right about the color. That was my first thought when I saw this post.

  • Real life nanocar looks like SP creation! 7.0 years ago

    Select "FORUMS" at the top of the page. Then, select "New Post". When you are done, select "TAGS" to tag it for something like "Announcements", to put it in that category.
    And, Thank You, for the vote.

  • Flyin' Brick (medium phys. or above) 7.0 years ago

    Thank You,@Reddley

  • Hydranosaurus 7.0 years ago

    Thank You, for the vote, @Reddley

  • Hydranosaurus 7.0 years ago

    This could be made to fly, but it is a watercraft.
    Look at the fins on the bottom. They are much longer wings, scaled to be stubby. The same could be done on the horizontal plane, but you would have to shift the CoT, and balance the wing locations.

  • Daimler Benz Project F 7.0 years ago

    Very true, that.

  • Flyin' Brick (medium phys. or above) 7.1 years ago

    No on Discord My Kindle has a single core, so I have trouble doing most things. That folding wing build I was doing was really pushing it. Lag = crash landing.
    I saw a couple of your videos. You might want to get a video editor. I thought I heard someone's name in one of them. That should not happen ( for privacy reasons ) You might want to take that down, until you can fix it.

  • Flyin' Brick (medium phys. or above) 7.1 years ago

    What is your youtube channel? @Lizarddragon @Lizarddragon @Lizarddragon

  • What Have I Done... 7.1 years ago

    Did your assemblies cache explode?

  • Flyin' Brick (medium phys. or above) 7.1 years ago

    Hi @Lizarddragon
    Good to see you are still around.

    = )

  • Waffelträger 7.1 years ago

    = )

  • Exciting New Discovery 7.1 years ago

    Keep on questioning.
    Keep being creative.
    Keep being Not Normal

    = )

  • Happy Birthday to me! [T-35 Pravda team] 7.1 years ago

    Great Job! And, happy birthday.

  • Gimble concept 7.1 years ago

    Builder is on iOS. No mods.

    : (

  • Flyin' Brick (medium phys. or above) 7.1 years ago

    The blue text, below, applies well to this site. There are many people here who are willing to share their knowledge, as far as building. A very helpful community.
    It saddens me to think that this will come to an end, some day. Yes, this could go on for many years, but only if it is nurtured, carefully. I don't see that happening here. It takes capital to maintain the site, and staff. If it had a means to link to other sites, it could live or die of its own merit. It might continue past its originator' s intent to maintain.
    I am sorry to go so dark. I live with depression. It saddens me to see something that works so well, socially, destined to come to an end. There would have to be some true die-hard fans for it to be otherwise.

  • Flyin' Brick (medium phys. or above) 7.1 years ago

    Thank You for finding that; Grave Accent. I don't know why I didn't think to start with the character maps. Now we know.

    The world in now a better place, for the sharing of a little knowledge.


  • Sputnik 1 7.1 years ago

    Start it at high altitude. It should make a nice lawn dart.

  • SA-Tourer-sport 7.1 years ago


    = )

  • Flyin' Brick (medium phys. or above) 7.1 years ago

    The grave mark I think of is the sign of the cross, with the downward arm a long thin point.
    Notch is from Norway, or Finland, somewhere... And different languages use different keyboards... I wonder what they have on their key??

  • 1,000 Milestone 7.1 years ago

    Another 15 on your way to 2K

  • Blue Hornet 7.1 years ago

    Here are some modded fuel tanks. Designer Fuel They contain 7,500,000 liters (almost 2M gallons) each, and weigh nothing (0 lbs, or 0 kg).
    This is to get you started on modded parts.
    I noticed that you are on android. That means you can run mods. It also means you can make these yourself, if you wish to. The mods that you might find most useful are:

    Fine Tuner, and


    You might want to check them out in the mods pages. If you select the highest rated of all time, they should both be on the top line, first page.

    Happy Flyin'

  • Flyin' Brick (medium phys. or above) 7.1 years ago

    I would say that the web is going in the wrong direction. There should be an attempt to move toward commonality in control functions. HTML is a little heavy for comments. I get that. But, there should be a mutually accepted 'lightweight' formatting for comments and short posts. By now, we should be seeing dropdown menus (right click or long tap) that include a format option. I guess there have not been enough convention meetings of late. That is how these things normally get started.

    I am curious about your "grave" symbol "because of Minecraft" reference. Can you expand on that?

  • Tadpole 7.1 years ago

    Thank You, @SUKHOI
    Your vote put me over 2000.

    Thank You, very much, SUKHOI!

  • Flyin' Brick (medium phys. or above) 7.1 years ago

    I forgot to include the insertion of images. It is the same as links, but suffix the first square bracket with an exclamation ![, and point it to a .jpg somewhere on the web.
    This does not work in comments, but pretty much anywhere else.

  • Flyin' Brick (medium phys. or above) 7.1 years ago

    If # is the first character on a line

    the text will be blue.

    Add two ##

    blue, but smaller. (Title and sub-title text)

    I have actually forgotten the rest, short of some tests to figure them out, again.

    This line has a hyphen on the line above (by itself) nothing happens.

    This one has the hyphen on the line below. The hyphen doesn't show now, but the line (paragraph) just went blue. (And, double spaced) Add a blank line to add an intentional lone hyphen. I did that above.

    The separation line above is done with three or more hyphens on a line, nothing else.

    The red text is a nuisance. It overides and displays other formatting, so the formatting below required jumping in and out of red to insert formatting commands. It, also, ignores line-wrap.
    To get red, use the backward apostrophe usually found on the same key as the tilde.
    Now, the simple stuff I should have started with. One, two, and three astrisks before
    text will giveitalics,bold, andbolded italicsrespectively. They continue until
    the same symbol or set is repeated.

    This [insert visible text here](insert link URL here) will put an outside link into a comment. The visible text will be blue.
    becomes this Hydranosaurus

  • Flyin' Brick (medium phys. or above) 7.1 years ago

    @Peekofwar It's one of the broken bricks from the rubble of a demolished building.

    Ascending from the ruins

  • Hydranosaurus 7.1 years ago

    @Peekofwar Adding a tail would make it more stable. Feel free to do as you wish.

  • The Hindenburger 7.1 years ago

    Hold the pickles, please.

  • IT IS A MEME!!! 7.1 years ago

    Is it a meme of youme?

  • Carrier Fighter 7.1 years ago

    Ask (in the forum) for wings and weapons with noCollisions set to true. You will still be able to resize the wings, but they will pass through other parts without damage.

  • AeC Proto 2 - Dual Prop Plane 7.1 years ago

    Try to stay away from black color schemes, unless you have a designer mod with a light background. It can't be seen in a thumbnail, with the standard designer backdrop.

  • Jet 7.1 years ago

    Using black doesn't work so well in thumbnail images. What is not seen cannot draw attention.

    : /

  • Daimler Benz Project F 7.1 years ago

    "You aren't supposed to be able to land it" Tell that to her; V-1 test pilot

  • Spinnaker 7.1 years ago

    Also, Not Normal

  • Verriler 7.1 years ago

    Nice job!
    As engines with wings go, this one is Not Normal

    = )

  • Remember this? 7.1 years ago

    You get the engine by downloading this build. @daygus11
    This was the original (?) engine for SP. Store the engine in your assemblies, because it has been removed from more recent versions of SP.

  • IL-4 7.1 years ago

    If you were to edit the xml, massScale=0 will make it weightless.
    The Overload mod can help with that.

  • Hydranosaurus 7.1 years ago

    Thank You, @JonhHarvest

    : )

  • F-104 Starfighter 7.2 years ago

    I have always liked the Starfighter.

    Great Job!

  • TTT 7.2 years ago

    = )

  • Rocket v1 7.2 years ago

    Five builds in two days.

    = )

  • Raspberry Pi RC Plane Kit 7.2 years ago

    A few sensors (accelerometers), a data receiver, and accurate location detection are all you need for a self flying, real-world autonomous aircraft.