7,513 QuebecorMotorCompany

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joined 3.5 years ago

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Quebecor Motor Company is a fictionnal enterprise who is specialised in aviation and luxury racecars .


QuebecorPublicTransit, Quebecor-EagleIndustries


RM-16 | Fastest megacar in the game (1250KPH)
RM-10 | Fastest hypercar in the game (983KPH)
RM-6 | Fastest supercar in the game (680KPH)
RM-16 | Most powerfull Engine (V90/3000HP)

Hey! If you looking for fast and luxury cars, of for a new vision of airline's industry, you are in the right place! In the racing division I build 3 types of racecars specificly : supercar, hypercar, and megacar but if you ask, I can build every type of cars that exists or not. And if you want to customise your car, I take special request.


I started Quebecor when I was 15 as an airplane builder with a little turbopropulsor, the QC-115. Time passed and I made the
QC-175, inspired by a mix of a B737,A320 and E195. With the QC-175 and QC-999 (basically,a 777 parody lmao), they started the blowing up of the page. After this, I wanted to make something bigger that just me posting on this page. So I decided to start the QuebecorGroup with SUB14 alias Subsonic and Cosmos alias Pegassi with an idea in mind, beating records on this game. So we started by building the biggest fictional Airliner on the game, the QGC-2000, 1500 passangers for 20000KM of range. After did it, we decided to make the QGC-979, our first VR build. This one actually take us to another level and we was spotted by Zaineman and in my opinion without him, Quebecor would never be what it is today so really thank you Z. But one day, the relation between me and my friends gone wrong then we going on our one side because we were growing up you know, have a real job, pay the rent blablabla every boring stuff like this. And after a long time without posting, I tried to build everything, from banal cars to snowmobile for ending by try to beat cars records on this game as a car builder, what I did (well as I know, if someone can verify). I build the most fastest fictional megacar on the game two times first with the RM-10GT-LUX with a top speed of 983KPH and the second time with the ChavarieGT whit a top speed of 1118KPH. But it wasn't enough for me. I wanted to go faster, faster and even faster. So I decided to start building the most fastest car...again. But to beat the Chavarie's performances, I had to push back a new limit. You know the most fastest you go, more centrifugal force give you more difficulty to turn at highs speeds. After redesigning the SpiderSYSTEM, I was finally able to reach the 1250KPH with a car that you probably know, the RM-16, the direct successor of the RM-10. Recently, I passed the 5,000 upvotes on my page after 3 years and I'm really proud of it! Stay active guys, it is only the beginning and thank you every one for this epopee!

With all my respect for this incredible game and our community

  • Quebecor Motor Company

Previously known as Quebecor, XQuebecorAirIndustries, QuebecorRacingIndustries