I am just afraid of people punching holes in my replicas. I know that sounds a bit silly, but it has happened a bit in the past. I would much rather have a similar fictional plane that people will be judged by how much fun they have flying it, not by the accuracy of the MOC. Saying that, though, it is comments like these that give me confidence that my aircraft can pass for replicas, so thanks buddy.
I have loved watching this thing come together on Discord, and I always hope to see more progress everyday. I have never, in SP, seen such dedication to a project as I have with this beautiful Falcon. The paneling is fantastic and the curves are gorgeous. Can’t wait to see it released!
Thank you!
I am just afraid of people punching holes in my replicas. I know that sounds a bit silly, but it has happened a bit in the past. I would much rather have a similar fictional plane that people will be judged by how much fun they have flying it, not by the accuracy of the MOC. Saying that, though, it is comments like these that give me confidence that my aircraft can pass for replicas, so thanks buddy.
Holy bajesus, that thing is beautiful. The real one probably would’ve looked just like that during the nineties.
I know this baby would’ve been such a world beater... Thanks for the upvotes!
Thank you!
“Thanks friend, see you again.”
It is lovely!
Happy you did... thanks for the upvote!
Honestly, I felt the same about your submission... Thanks for the upvote!
I shouldn’t have been so defensive, anyway I am always open to criticism- it helps me improve my designs.
I understand, but I think you and I interpret the word “Simple” differently.
It is only for the pilots who can take 20G lol
This will be the great Turbo war! Thanks for the upvote.
Westland Wyvern
You know he didn’t build this, right?
@shipster @RailfanEthan
Thank you!
Very well done!
Count me in!
Why’d you get banned?
What?! No way!
Thank you for the compliment, mate! I actually didn’t know you were on the wsc discord...
You are referring to Kaiser Keyboard?
This is your favourite, ain’t it?
Oh, thanks... I never would’ve caught that XD
Also, thanks for the spotlight, mate!
I have loved watching this thing come together on Discord, and I always hope to see more progress everyday. I have never, in SP, seen such dedication to a project as I have with this beautiful Falcon. The paneling is fantastic and the curves are gorgeous. Can’t wait to see it released!
I think you may have not downloaded the vehicle... it is just a Cleaver station discussed as a hospital.
Haha, Thanks for the upvote!
Cocking Nora!