@LunarEclipseSP I see , and honestly, during the construction process, I did indeed experience the evolution of this aircraft's design, shifting from resembling the J-10 to adopting features of the EF2000, and finally transforming into something akin to the Mikoyan MFI.
By comparing, you can see that both have their Inlets twisted at a certain angle relative to the fuselage. I referenced this design with the intention of maintaining sufficient airflow during supersonic flight.
Incidentally, considering the positioning perspective, this tactical aircraft of an later generation exported to third-world countries to maintain regional balance might be difficult to directly compare with the Mig 1.44, given their distinct eras and intended roles.
@JapanYamato1945 お疲れ様でした!!
act-4 was truly exceptionally memorable .This was a long-awaited performance with full participation from everyone.and the SSR costumes were highly impressive indeed.🥰🥰🥰
Not just those, but the performances by Legends Girls!! and 電波感傷 on Day 1, as well as the performance from Team 1st through Team 8th on Day 2, were all quite unforgettable. Specifically, the last song Thank You! on Day 2 by all menber deeply touched me.😭😭😭
@Juanfly154 Of course, if you are willing to cite the source of the model.
When taking photos, you might want to pay attention to using backlighting effectively and combining it with additional the mod "SP plus "as needed.🤗🤗🤗
mig LFI
@SyntheticL 已经安利eap了捏🤗🤗🤗
+1@LunarEclipseSP I see , and honestly, during the construction process, I did indeed experience the evolution of this aircraft's design, shifting from resembling the J-10 to adopting features of the EF2000, and finally transforming into something akin to the Mikoyan MFI.
That could be true, In the practical construction and during discussions with the SyntheticL, I actually referenced a model of Chengdu's proposed twin-engined stealth development of the J-10 . As for the shape of the Inlet, I drew inspiration from the Mig-1.42 Mikoyan MFI.
By comparing, you can see that both have their Inlets twisted at a certain angle relative to the fuselage. I referenced this design with the intention of maintaining sufficient airflow during supersonic flight.
Incidentally, considering the positioning perspective, this tactical aircraft of an later generation exported to third-world countries to maintain regional balance might be difficult to directly compare with the Mig 1.44, given their distinct eras and intended roles.
+1@Idontknow69 🤔🤔🤔
@JapanYamato1945 お疲れ様でした!!
act-4 was truly exceptionally memorable .This was a long-awaited performance with full participation from everyone.and the SSR costumes were highly impressive indeed.🥰🥰🥰
Not just those, but the performances by Legends Girls!! and 電波感傷 on Day 1, as well as the performance from Team 1st through Team 8th on Day 2, were all quite unforgettable. Specifically, the last song Thank You! on Day 2 by all menber deeply touched me.😭😭😭
@SatanAC 🐮
@MobileBuilder21 Simple Figures ✔
+1@Juanfly154 Of course, if you are willing to cite the source of the model.
When taking photos, you might want to pay attention to using backlighting effectively and combining it with additional the mod "SP plus "as needed.🤗🤗🤗
+1@114333 合乎粥礼
+3@brandy1798 麻烦开口之前百度一下行不行
+5@jeijidheiwnaizn guess
God,Syria and Bashar
+6@Hitingxt 9
+1nice panzer (10/10) love from china🤗🤗🤗
+5@Travelling 不要无中生🐎
@Robomo00119 okay
@bilibiliQCWL 这人发作品的时间向来不按套路出牌🤣🤣🤣
@Vocaloid4GUMI 谢谢已经在玩了但是东西感觉还不够多,目前也不是很习惯那边的建造方式,可能多打些mod就好了罢
+1@androidking coning soon🤗🤗🤗
+2@shuaige24543643197 你先别急,看看置顶🤣
+2@DeathStalker627 okeyOTO-76
+1@Nanother activate2(/▽\)
@Tookan so sorry because it no finish ed and the shape of cockpit is adjusting
@Liquidfox01 I saw some photos of kmax with US military logo paint on their fuselage.and the reason why I like kmax is its unique twin rotor design
+1100th upvote congrats!
+2@SyntheticL 问题不大,图一乐
+1@ChineseSPplayer1714 哥啊轰-6I有四台发动机啊
@dingchengyue666 pc端通过打mod的方式把p数压到了3000以下,但是移动端怎么整还真没想好QAQ
+3@TatsuTheOtaku thanks
+2@factorization20 感谢支持
@Bellcat Of course If you leave a comment to tell me
@BoganBoganTheKid oh I'm very sorry that I don't have much time to remake a new propulsion system recently
@BoganBoganTheKid It should be noted that my power pack is suitable for coaxial reverse propeller helicopter
@BoganBoganTheKid sure
WT player wailed😭😭😭