@LunarEclipseSP I see , and honestly, during the construction process, I did indeed experience the evolution of this aircraft's design, shifting from resembling the J-10 to adopting features of the EF2000, and finally transforming into something akin to the Mikoyan MFI.
By comparing, you can see that both have their Inlets twisted at a certain angle relative to the fuselage. I referenced this design with the intention of maintaining sufficient airflow during supersonic flight.
Incidentally, considering the positioning perspective, this tactical aircraft of an later generation exported to third-world countries to maintain regional balance might be difficult to directly compare with the Mig 1.44, given their distinct eras and intended roles.
@ffifteenfive If it's just a simple comparison from the appearance, maybe it is.but in terms of design, it refers to Egypt's Mig-23ms(China Aviation Museum in Xiaotangshan,Beijin) and J-7(Chinese Mig-21)
God,Syria and Bashar
+5@brandy1798 麻烦开口之前百度一下行不行
+5nice panzer (10/10) love from china🤗🤗🤗
+5@Deepdark 有一边的平尾因为连接点的问题动不了,但是主翼舵面是没问题的()
+4@1143 哈哈哈艹
+3@dingchengyue666 pc端通过打mod的方式把p数压到了3000以下,但是移动端怎么整还真没想好QAQ
+3@Xiaoxingxuan 下水了(不是
+3@MarxismLeninismMaoism 不介意的话可以等我的1134简化版OwO
+2@androidking coning soon🤗🤗🤗
+2@shuaige24543643197 你先别急,看看置顶🤣
+2100th upvote congrats!
+2@SyntheticL 问题不大,图一乐
@TatsuTheOtaku thanks
+2@Timewolf 1.ocean mod plz
@yoshicraze 又是一个大佬
+2@SyntheticL 已经安利eap了捏🤗🤗🤗
+1@LunarEclipseSP I see , and honestly, during the construction process, I did indeed experience the evolution of this aircraft's design, shifting from resembling the J-10 to adopting features of the EF2000, and finally transforming into something akin to the Mikoyan MFI.
That could be true, In the practical construction and during discussions with the SyntheticL, I actually referenced a model of Chengdu's proposed twin-engined stealth development of the J-10 . As for the shape of the Inlet, I drew inspiration from the Mig-1.42 Mikoyan MFI.
By comparing, you can see that both have their Inlets twisted at a certain angle relative to the fuselage. I referenced this design with the intention of maintaining sufficient airflow during supersonic flight.
Incidentally, considering the positioning perspective, this tactical aircraft of an later generation exported to third-world countries to maintain regional balance might be difficult to directly compare with the Mig 1.44, given their distinct eras and intended roles.
+1@MobileBuilder21 Simple Figures ✔
+1@114333 合乎粥礼
+1@Hitingxt 9
+1@Vocaloid4GUMI 谢谢已经在玩了但是东西感觉还不够多,目前也不是很习惯那边的建造方式,可能多打些mod就好了罢
+1@DeathStalker627 okeyOTO-76
+1@Nanother activate2(/▽\)
+1@Liquidfox01 I saw some photos of kmax with US military logo paint on their fuselage.and the reason why I like kmax is its unique twin rotor design
+1WT player wailed😭😭😭
+1@MetalShaezodoonic plz respect players from other countries
+1@Farat54321 coming s∞n:)
+1@ffifteenfive If it's just a simple comparison from the appearance, maybe it is.but in terms of design, it refers to Egypt's Mig-23ms(China Aviation Museum in Xiaotangshan,Beijin) and J-7(Chinese Mig-21)
+1@MarisaKujo sdl,ilil
+1@Sparky6004 I'm so sorry that the part count is 3710p because of the kashin's modernization in 1970
+1@PaperPlaneHasDream 🐮
+1please ensure the caculatedrags of all the part are false .the huge dragPoint will make someone's game crash like he @PaperPlaneHasDream
+1@FrostAceSagitta 尝试锁定2km内目标
+1@GhostTeam 快了快了(doge
+1@CityAirThemeCityxt 从一个方案里翻出来的,再怎么说也比苏联海航特色绿甲板好看TAT