@Bray47 Its Pretty heavily inspired by Johnathan Schultz Bot HUGE! Which did Manage to make it to the Finals Just Losing to Sawblaze in the Final Fight
@Wake8472 Thanks Its Probably the best preforming bot I've Made...Also i won't be active alot until maybe Thanksgiving and i have a lot planned for that time
@Wake8472 Thanks I Already Uploaded A Bot Inspired By Riptide so i Can Probably Edit It Into Riptide so Expect a Riptide Build Soon I'll @ you in the Post
All of these look really good, keep up the hard work man
Nice to see another battlebot builder
@Samuelthatbuilder @Janjan
@Morty @Wake8472
@Lwillswith2sentryguns yeah it's Already Uploaded, It's Valentine's Day Massacre
More Spotlighting
@Aaron501 If you're having problems with weight use XML
@Watsmyu Valid
@Wake8472 yo how u been
Displacement Superiority has begun
"My Main Goal Is to Blow Up"-Fusion 2023
@StarLord458 Bruv this account is so long dead I question how you managed to stumble apon it
@AshdenpawTG22 Yup
When this Offically hits One Year Since Uploaded I'll Make a Updated Better Version of Season 1 IceWave
@PilotRyder No I do not I don't have a PC Currently
@Kerbango I Should have uploaded it Tuesday buy idk I still have to add detail so that'll come out Tuesday
@Kerbango huh?
@Watsmyu Also if you every run out of Ideas you should try and update the old Doomba Bot from your Old Account
Well that Encounter was quite the coincidence
Insert W I D E P U T I N Music
Well Damn
@Janjan can you make Hydra?
@Watsmyu Whats the Chance You have a Bite Force Sitting in storage? Or Any Bot to Upload
When will we get El Fork Config
@Watsmyu Well its nice to see you back online
@Bray47 Its Pretty heavily inspired by Johnathan Schultz Bot HUGE! Which did Manage to make it to the Finals Just Losing to Sawblaze in the Final Fight
@Bray47 still need a nickname? How about "X-Wing"
Blip system if yall want to use its crappy tho
@Wake8472 Ok this is the link to the unlisted post https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/1Is2gY/THE-DREAGER-MORE-POWER-FORKS
@Majakalona Definitely
@Wake8472 I got a question Im Looking to Redesign My Flipper bot Dreager and im Wondering if you want to help me with the Redesign
@Graingy Yup i don't think i'll ever make it to 5 years Battlebots is the only reason im still active plus im on a 2 month break from posting
@Wake8472 Thanks Its Probably the best preforming bot I've Made...Also i won't be active alot until maybe Thanksgiving and i have a lot planned for that time
Bro are you dead?
@Wake8472 You ask i Make Heres Riptide
@Wake8472 Thanks I Already Uploaded A Bot Inspired By Riptide so i Can Probably Edit It Into Riptide so Expect a Riptide Build Soon I'll @ you in the Post
@Watsmyu Y'know what bot you should make next?...A Vertical Version of Disappointed Farmer
@Pilothasya137 No its a Reference to Something Else
Boat #3
@Watsmyu I Bet im more tired than you :)
@Watsmyu yes