Seems to be a bug because all of my builds with health set to Infinity is reset to 0
Also a another XML bug i found Hemisphere and the sphere are bug and whenever you set them to like -100 friction is feels the same as just 0
Very nice
The turret is little bit tall also to make the gun have recoil put disableAircraftCollisions to True and make sure that parts that move are not connected to parts that are not supposed to move
Man this looks beefy
Very awesome
@AerialFighterSnakes thank you very much, I'm glad thay you like it.
@AWESOMENESS360 i used a magnet as you can see for the detailing on the cannon is a magnet.
also thanks for updoot and spotlight!
@CRJ900Pilot indeed it is, also thanks for updoot and spotlight.
@T8flihtcrafts thanks for updoot.
Thank you for updoots.
Man i can't wait to test this
But first i need to redownload 16 Inch gun mod
Amazingly awesome!
@Russkiy98 indeed
@Masdora indeed
Also i might do something with these tracks at some point in the future.
Very nice!
But could use so more fine tuning.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you will do with this
Amazingly awesome!
Very nice
Very awesome
Seems to be a bug because all of my builds with health set to Infinity is reset to 0
Also a another XML bug i found Hemisphere and the sphere are bug and whenever you set them to like -100 friction is feels the same as just 0
Also how did you not notice that you have 100 followers too?
Amazingly awesome!
Note: don't shoot and drive the rockets get stuck then hit the ground
@grizzlitn indeed
@LordSatan i have to agree.
Also thanks for updoot
Very awesome
That sounds like a lot of work
be careful...
you don't want to be shot down by Flack...
@Minecraftpoweer ooo very nice
@701wwj666 np
@LordSatan indeed
Very nice
The turret is little bit tall also to make the gun have recoil put
and make sure that parts that move are not connected to parts that are not supposed to moveWhy does this not have more upvotes this awesome
Very nice
I think he delete he's account but i think he may have another one but I'm not sure
@Oski indeed i did
@jason1019 go for it but you are going need remove it at the hinge
@watsonwarrior indeed
@Notaleopard i agree
Everything got removed yesterday because i some bug occurred
Amazingly awesome!
@RamboJutter indeed
I finally get to test this out and it's very awesome
Well everything was removed everything to yesterday