Prop engine bug
The bug is when im trying to make the propeller gone and just leave the engine when i starting the plane my screen just freeze and can't touch anything
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@TheUltimatePlaneLover bruh ;_;
@SuperSuperTheSylph hope they just museumize it on a some website
@Dragonfly123 nah it's sandbox game
The very bottom photo is the t80 doing kvochur bell manuver
@TheMouse ohh
I have made one custom Missile for my he 162a-m version you can use it and modified it
@TheMouse i just realized u said T (Tag) in my Mercedes t80 teaser forums
Prop engine bug
The bug is when im trying to make the propeller gone and just leave the engine when i starting the plane my screen just freeze and can't touch anything
@jamesPLANESii not working :<
@jamesPLANESii uhh just that?
@Gandana alr, ty
@Gandana i guess you wont answer it last online on the website is 3 months ago
@Gandana can i borrow this and modify it later I will give you credits
I will wait your answer
So im basically testing the T80 and suddenly the car start flying and continued 🤣
@TheMouse oh ok
@TheMouse oh ok lul
@Cadvalto Tutorial buat gambarnya
@BMilan hoo
@XtarsTheExdarichGuy33106 walah, T
@Cadvalto pake blueprints kan di mode designer ada pilihan blueprints pencet trus pilih foto yang mau di jadiin thumbnail
@Cadvalto yang mana
@BMilan NOOOOOOOOOO, or it's just april fools
Mmmm interesting
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Mase iso much bahasa lho
Donglod dimana treg nya cui
Congrats boi also i like the plane like accessories
@FOXHOUND26 i just feeling like there's deadline bruh
@TheMouse ohh
@TheMouse new name and pfp?
If someone can make it they should remake the window frame
@Wywtt080 -__________________-
@Wywtt080 reason for hating J7W?
@Mousewithamachinegun122 oh, i just upload it again
@Senkopilot uh
@Mousewithamachinegun122 it's not unlisted i upload it then u say "busy now, i will take a look later"
@Mousewithamachinegun122 bruh
@HanakoSan here i upload it again
I made da amogus wit his kid blyad
Hmm, are there any conditions? To make vr vehicle @ShinyGemsBro