35.1k SPairforce Comments

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    just so you know, my new aircraft is almost done, I just need to finish making the cockpit (and maybe later on post versions with different loadouts) and things will be all set.

    p.s best wishes for your operation, I hope it succeeds.

  • Project 1 2.4 years ago

    Well, this is very interesting, can’t wait for this to enter the war.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    Very interesting, can’t wait to see it. I’m working on a variable geometry wing strike aircraft right now with tandem seating for 2.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    who would've thought we would both be working on an aircraft at the same time?
    Just out of curiosity, what type of aircraft are you working on?

  • 42 test 2.4 years ago

    Do I even want to know why a X-29 has a robotic arm with a rocket pod?

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    Sounds good and thank you for the support. I might be able to spare some aircraft, there is no guarantee that it will be enough. My F/A-19 have great performance characteristics, but they might not be readily available due to be carrier based and being a rather large aircraft. The F/A-11s would be more readily available, but I don't know if they have the performance characteristics to match an F-16. Also, the aircraft I'm currently developing isn't specifically designed to dogfight, but development has proceeded too far to cancel it.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    Anyone happen to have a large surplus of light, but high-performance fighters to take on these F-16's?

  • 57M 2.4 years ago

    why would we even use this though?

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    I may not be posting for a bit either, college has started to get a little busier for me.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    I like the name of the operation, really adds to the irony.
    10 Ospreys seem a bit overkill, I like it.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    Ok, just wanted to let you know that a suitable aircraft is available for you to use in the operation.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    Anti-shipping loadout is ready, you may now plan your operation against the navy.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    I haven’t fully completed the loadout for the anti-ship version as it’s still undergoing testing, so you might want to wait a bit on the operation.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    My Osprey can carry 2 as well by replacing the inner pylon fuel tanks.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    Do you think we'll be able to get cruise/anti-ship missiles at some point, because it's obvious that Maywar's allies have ships worth destroying.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    BTW, we're using the air superiority loadout (unlisted post) on my aircraft, right? because the link takes me to the standard loadout (public post).

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    Good to know, I was pleasantly surprised with its dogfight capability, though I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the combined weight of air-to-air missiles on the plane doesn't affect its performance much seeing as it's a fairly large plane.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    Well then, you can use my aircraft (there are two loadouts for the plane right now, 1 is ground attack and the other is Air Superiority) in whatever ways you see fit.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.4 years ago

    Can I join as well?

  • HongQi L5 2.4 years ago

    I missed the entire conversation that happened, and something tells me I don't want to know.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.5 years ago

    Also, I kind of feel bad about dogfighting F-14's in this war, it's one of my favorite aircraft.

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.5 years ago

    Welp, guess I'll have to do an operation myself.

    Operation: Hunter

    Objective: Provide aircover in support of other operations taking place so that they can safely take out enemy SAMs. A secondary objective of this operation is one of clean-up, as in destroying any remaining SAM's that haven't already been taken out.

    Vehicles Used:
    1xSquadron of F/A-19 Ospreys in ground attack configuration will be on station to target additional SAMs when they are identified.

    3xSquadrons of F/A-19 Ospreys in their air superiority load out will conduct CAP over Maywar to search and destroy any enemy aircraft while also escorting the Ospreys designated to take out SAMs.
    (2 squadrons will conduct CAP while 1 squadron will provide fighter cover for the ground attack Ospreys.)

  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.5 years ago

    My challenge plane (which will be completed soon) might be going over the part limit because the cockpit of my plane is a two-seater and doing the cockpit interior has added a lot of parts to the build. I'm sorry in advance.

  • Sukhoi Su-67 'Sasha' 2.5 years ago

    I think we have the challenge winner sitting right here.

  • Updated MiG-12 SOK 2.5 years ago

    What am I looking at?!?!?!?!?

  • B-13 Longbow 2.5 years ago

    Thanks, getting the shape for this bomber was a huge pain at times, along with the cockpit work, seeing as I couldn't mirror the whole plane due to part connection issues. I'm glad that you like this plane.

  • NB-1A black valkyrie 2.5 years ago

    It's been posted, hope you like it.

  • New Fighter Final Teaser 2.5 years ago

    This is a sick trailer. The plane is awesome by the way.

  • NB-1A black valkyrie 2.5 years ago

    might have to wait for a while then.

  • NB-1A black valkyrie 2.5 years ago

    I'm currently working on a stealth (ish, I'm not an expert on making stealth aircraft or what makes a stealth aircraft stealthy) bomber, though I don't know how long it will take for me to complete and release as I'm in college right now.

  • SU-47 Berkut 2.6 years ago

    Here’s one more upvote to get you to GOLD, this is an amazing plane.

  • The new XNB-1 teaser 2.6 years ago

    Oooh 😮
    A stealth bomber!

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    How about the F-17 Hawk, the one I entered for the challenge

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    I'll take the 1 spotlight, and the 10 upvotes. I honestly wasn't expecting to win as I only made two airframes for the challenge (I don't really count the F-17E as it's the same airframe with a different cockpit). Anyways, I really enjoyed being a part of this challenge.

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    I was wondering if you could retire my original F-17 (the F-17E will remain in service) as it has been in service for 40 years, and is basically at the end of its service life.

  • WF-4A ICOSA 2.6 years ago

    Yes, it provides a real challenge to us builders participating in the challenge, and encourages us to put more effort into builds.

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    Operation Fencer II
    Basically the same as the original operation Fencer, only there are more pairs of aircraft involved, 5 pairs of F-17E's and 5 pairs of F-21's. They will once again be enforcing a no fly zone and shoot down anything that comes into the air, provided that the enemy air defenses are fully taken out prior by a squadron of F-21's that will fly in prior to the operation and take out enemy air defenses.

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    Here is an updated variant of the F-17 Hawk fighter. It now has a more advanced avionics package (same package that the F-21 has) to help keep it competitive with newer fighters that the enemy will field.

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    Operation Eclipse:
    2 squadrons of F-21’s, with 4 squadrons of F-17’s in the rear, will enter enemy airspace and achieve air superiority I. The area by shooting down any enemy aircraft that rises to challenge them. The F-21’s will go in first as they are 5th generation and less likely to be detected, so they will establish initial superiority. The F-17’s will follow in behind them to help maintain it. If in the unlikely event the F-21’s are detected early, they will abort and all aircraft will head back to base. If successful, the operation will leave the skies clear for future Operations from others that will limit the capabilities of the enemy.

    Note: Ideally this operation will have a higher number of F-21’s but there aren’t quite enough of them as they have just recently entered service.

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    I'm honestly not sure if I'm going to build another aircraft from the ground up, the two that I made really took a lot of time out of me. I might give an avionics upgrade to the F-17, but other than that, I'll probably be done with new aircraft.

  • F-21 Viper 2.6 years ago

    Thank you, air dominance should be ours once again!

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    Hey ya'll, we've got 5th gen fighters now!

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    The operation seems simple in concept, but might be complicated in execution, good luck.

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    I’m sure I will like it.
    My new fighter just needs its interior and minor details finished.

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    I understand now, it was probably for looks, btw how’s progress on your plane going?

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    For those wondering on the progress on my 5th generation fighter (I’ll release it at a appropriate time, don’t worry), I’ve got the plane flying, but I need to work on its weapons bays, and it’s cockpit interior (probably won’t be that good to be honest as I don’t know how to do avionics with funky trees)

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    YAYYY! though your mission was probably harder than mine, seeing as your were carrying out an actual strike. Also, has anyone been able to beat the enemy F-10 yet?

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    I was wondering if I could also do a mission, even if it’s very simple.

    Plane: F-17 Hawk
    Number: 5 flights of 2 Hawks will fly CAP (Combat Air Patrol) in designated sectors of airspace near where the enemy is located, where they will search and destroy enemy aircraft that come to challenge them. Following a set amount of time, the aircraft and pilots will be rotated out and replaced in their respective sectors by new pilots and planes.
    Operation Name: Operation Fencer

  • [CLOSED] 1950-2020 war challenge 2.6 years ago

    In that case, finish it early, hold on to it until the time is right to deploy. In the meantime, maybe try a 5th gen fighter?

  • F/A-N 80 Saber 2.6 years ago

    This is a really good plane! A worthy multirole fighter for the challenge.
