@Sableric thank you soo much man, my creations are not much but still you gave me such a lot compliment, words cannot describe what im feeling right now, indeed i sometimes want to make my own game but im terrible at Unity lmao
@Tsuchiisan hehehehe.... you guessed right, there is a secret behind those, not only that it is functional on auto aimed turrets, it also works for static weaponry :V
you got discord right? amma show you there, its really confusing to explain without images xD
really sorry for my late response, and thank you soo much for spotlighting all my stuff, was really surprised this morning seeing the spotlight notifications
@Unknownguy1210 thanks for the updoot!
AltitudeAgl (x) function allows your build to measure how far it is from the ground, on this build the legs are activated if AltitudeAgl < 10
soo yeah
i see
is bob your friend?
welcome back! :D
sorry im late T_T
no problemo!
nice build
sorry im late T_T
i mean i also can only use blocks at first then i started learning using fuselage xD
@SoullessReaper wish it were under 200 TT
@TwistedWarshipDude thanks man, sorry for my late reply been busy with stuff
yeah man you can use the codee xD
@BigBoy772 yeee moth + butterfly xD
@Sableric thank you soo much man, my creations are not much but still you gave me such a lot compliment, words cannot describe what im feeling right now, indeed i sometimes want to make my own game but im terrible at Unity lmao
@Tsuchiisan got it!
@Ezucra im no worthy of such tittle :')
but ye amma still turn stuff to war machines XD
@Tsuchiisan hehehehe.... you guessed right, there is a secret behind those, not only that it is functional on auto aimed turrets, it also works for static weaponry :V
you got discord right? amma show you there, its really confusing to explain without images xD
really sorry for my late response, and thank you soo much for spotlighting all my stuff, was really surprised this morning seeing the spotlight notifications
@Buricorp thank you T_T
sorry for responding soo late
@Coolkidondabloc sorry for my late response, i've been busy moving to another place
thanks homie.
sorry im late af xd
@Hardy1 thank you :')
friggin beautiful!
nope, there is no mods like that sadly, i really want that aswell
sry i dont know much about ships xd
il leave an upvote maybe someone will come and see
neat! @Skyhawkarmy
soo are you guys on the colab project now?
Discord is a nice place for this stuff ya know xD
it do be like that sometimes 😫
ey, what kind of build you guys workin on? XD
wow 156 parts
those are some nice suspensions!
@Unknownguy1210 thanks for the updoot!
AltitudeAgl (x) function allows your build to measure how far it is from the ground, on this build the legs are activated if AltitudeAgl < 10
soo yeah
@CyanWasNotTheImpostor thank you :')
@Homemade1 im not much of a guy who thinks about points but yeh DONT REMAKE THE FENRIR, THAT THING NEEDS TO BE SEALED AWAY!!
no THANK YOU for making this post lmao
@MAHADI yeah, maybe there is something new awaits.....
@OfficialOfficialTheRyan LMAO sorry i made it soo confusing, i tried to mix everything in
@UltraLight thanks man :')
@Madmaximus nice idea, thanks man, il put that in my build list!!
@Putra45hri YEET XD
thanks for upvoting lmao
@MRpingouin xD i always make sure if i can use 1 block instead of 2
thanks for stoppin by :)
@Madmaximus at first i wanted to make this one gallop but sadly its blocked by the canards infront of the legs :(
@tsampoy thanks man :')
@Skullboi you got more creativity advantage xD
@Coolkidondabloc just woke up lmao
@Shastain YEET np man that is better than my first plane lmao
@MAHADI all thanks to you man xD, the explosion is something that i accidentally made, i assume the Caliber made the explosion look like that.
welp il see you tomorrow if you are sleepin right now xD