The Shenyang J-15 (Chinese: 歼-15), also known as Flying Shark (Chinese: 飞鲨, Fēishā), is a carrier-based fighter aircraft in development by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation and the 601 Institute for the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy's aircraft carriers. Rumors initially claimed the aircraft was to be a semi-stealth variant, yet later reports indicate the aircraft is based on the Soviet-designed Sukhoi Su-33 and is fitted with domestically produced radars, engines, and weapons. An unfinished Su-33 prototype, the T-10K-3,was acquired from Ukraine in 2001 and is said to have been studied extensively, with development on the J-15 beginning immediately afterward.@RAF1
The Type 054A (NATO codename Jiangkai II) frigate is a class of Chinese multi-role frigates, the first of which entered service with the People's Liberation Army Navy Surface Force in 2007. The class is planned to comprise 24+ vessels. As of 2015, 20 are in service, 2 are fitting out, and 2 are under construction. It is a development of the Type 054 frigate, using the same hull but with improved sensors and weapons.
The Type 052D destroyer (NATO code name Luyang III class, or Kunming class after the lead ship) is a class of guided missile destroyers being deployed by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy Surface Force. Currently it is being built at two different Chinese ship yards.
thx~ @Lolerzman313
1,2,3,5... 5对负重轮←_←
一般国产装备我都会从维基抄一段来科(zhuang)普(bi) @LBYSteven
科普J-15 @LBYSteven
Tags里没有中国真烦人 ←_←
The Shenyang J-15 (Chinese: 歼-15), also known as Flying Shark (Chinese: 飞鲨, Fēishā), is a carrier-based fighter aircraft in development by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation and the 601 Institute for the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy's aircraft carriers. Rumors initially claimed the aircraft was to be a semi-stealth variant, yet later reports indicate the aircraft is based on the Soviet-designed Sukhoi Su-33 and is fitted with domestically produced radars, engines, and weapons. An unfinished Su-33 prototype, the T-10K-3,was acquired from Ukraine in 2001 and is said to have been studied extensively, with development on the J-15 beginning immediately afterward.@RAF1
战术核显卡(英文:Tactical nuclear graphics cards)是NVIDIA的战术核武器研发部门所研发的新型便携式核武器,该部门由黄仁勋直接领导,汇集了NVIDIA各个部门的精英人才,旨在制造更便携,当量更大的核显卡以面对世界各国各个组织对该公司的威胁。核显卡目前已有五种型号:开山鼻祖9800GX2 后继有人GTX295 一鸣惊人的GTX590、中规中矩的GTX690、以及最新研制的秘密武器GTX780TI。其中,GTX690已成为全球第三世界国家、西方国家乃至恐怖分子最受欢迎的武器。
666666 @wpw94
The Type 054A (NATO codename Jiangkai II) frigate is a class of Chinese multi-role frigates, the first of which entered service with the People's Liberation Army Navy Surface Force in 2007. The class is planned to comprise 24+ vessels. As of 2015, 20 are in service, 2 are fitting out, and 2 are under construction. It is a development of the Type 054 frigate, using the same hull but with improved sensors and weapons.
手机没有更新武器 @BNLauncherBN
The Type 052D destroyer (NATO code name Luyang III class, or Kunming class after the lead ship) is a class of guided missile destroyers being deployed by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy Surface Force. Currently it is being built at two different Chinese ship yards.
)╯Well done~
O(∩_∩)O @Dynimerous
:D @grizzlitn
“Ocean Eagle 43”.Search it on google (¯︶¯) @Rifqigamers1
:D @Delphinus
(>_<) @Hyperloop
⊙▽⊙ @Exumer
thx~ @bobthetitan @bobthetitan
:D @grizzlitn
THANK YOU @Earthbenderrwefa
记! 得! 回! 赞!
May the force be with you !
找! 到! 你! 了!