heres the deal Maywar stays under CVR but Relaria can live there and have it as their home but the dozens CVR Forts and Bases along with our R&D buildings stay @Bman01
@EchoWhiskey11 i got a lovely challange for you take this and make better but leave lay out the same as in the engines stay beside the cockpit and the primary wings attached to the engines
um he's still alive but h is second is dead and he escaped with the dictator but you nearly killed strikes twin but yes france and almost half of germany has fallen @ViridiCinis
and he's enjoying it withe Germanic Ruler and Strikes twin just sitting up there laughing and hears the kicker two Relaria Captins helped him by giving him the layout and bleprints of Dernem @ViridiCinis
@Bman01 you should have left Maywar
yes we watched the whole thing @Bman01
we saw you crash but we stayed hidden because we had just gotten out of war @Bman01
it may have looked empty but it wasent @Bman01
heres the deal Maywar stays under CVR but Relaria can live there and have it as their home but the dozens CVR Forts and Bases along with our R&D buildings stay @Bman01
um well you see Maywar wasn't take the US gave it to CVR as a alliance gift @Bman01
um? @Bman01
um ok..........then "backs away slowly"
oh i know ive flown only once in a Tu-144 its a freacking peice of garbage @Vidal99977
my satiletes are showing there flag flying over the capital building along with spains @Bman01
yeah and weres CVR
Germica just recently took all of France@Bman01
Germanica aint defeated same with AMO@Bman01
oh looks similar @Vidal99977
CVR wishes an alliance @HarrisCraft
Tag me please @spefyjerbf
the Tu-144?@Vidal99977
cant wait lad sad to see its your last for a while @Johndfg
and main tower was placed futher foward@Theseriousguy
thx yeah @Theseriousguy
one thing i should mention dont ever use the brakes on ground@EchoWhiskey11
you can do it@EchoWhiskey11
did see the aircraft i tagged you in?
i was a mailman today you see my girl wanted a special package delivered today i left it in the back door
cool lad
and i knew this that was a major issue and when its done base the color scheme off my recent uploads and the name put AAt-19[letter] Butch
make sure a space is put between AAt-19[insert letter here] and Butch@EchoWhiskey11
cool thx@EchoWhiskey11
thx some one finally guessed what its based off and this is Defense Interceptor not a stunt plane @EchoWhiskey11
@EchoWhiskey11 i got a lovely challange for you take this and make better but leave lay out the same as in the engines stay beside the cockpit and the primary wings attached to the engines
hey your back cool
i hope so i love your replicas@Johndfg
your actually alive great to see you back SP is different without your replicas@Johndfg
thx for bringing my Childhood back @LaGG3
i know but im just saying it because when i saw SuperMarine i went in thinking its british @LaGG3
didnt know Britan still liked japan during WW2 since SuperMarine was a british thing
god please no
hey one question old pal @Jim1the1Squid
your despicable@ACEPILOT109
and Poland controls canada they renamed it Blitz Hëir@ViridiCinis
and CVR has pulled out of Eroupe@ViridiCinis
um he's still alive but h is second is dead and he escaped with the dictator but you nearly killed strikes twin but yes france and almost half of germany has fallen @ViridiCinis
and he's enjoying it withe Germanic Ruler and Strikes twin just sitting up there laughing and hears the kicker two Relaria Captins helped him by giving him the layout and bleprints of Dernem @ViridiCinis
like say its moving foward and it wants to hover it just slows down @randomusername
like it can hover with out changing the direction of thrust i do believe@randomusername
and CVR uncovered something dark the Germanics had @ViridiCinis
um the Recruits have strict orders to only carry out Viridis orders and to only answer to his Commanders @Bman01
and Dernem is in CVR hands @ViridiCinis
CVR is giving you 1.3 million recruits@ViridiCinis
great job Lad@Strikefighter04