Now I can't make a YouTube series on this
I have the Amazon underground simple planes and now come on
@Loopy200 you know what it's so good I upvoted it
Just down load it
That's cool 😎
Think you for making this thing fly
Think you for making this airplane work
@Loser20 think you
@GenrichTitov oh I hate how that can happen
@NANOMAN I know right did the same thing to me
Plz make this fly oh yeah also check out my Yt channel it's called Sealions Sealions and don't forget my Yt channel has a jacksepticeye icon
Now I can't make a YouTube series on this
I have the Amazon underground simple planes and now come on
@Loopy200 you know what it's so good I upvoted it
Just down load it
That's cool
Think you for making this thing fly
Think you for making this airplane work
@Loser20 think you
@GenrichTitov oh I hate how that can happen
@NANOMAN I know right did the same thing to me
Plz make this fly oh yeah also check out my Yt channel it's called Sealions Sealions and don't forget my Yt channel has a jacksepticeye icon