Этот самолёт относится к последствию русского похмелья, судя по его виду. А его история скорее всего байки местного алкаша. Совет конструктору :научись строить самолёты если ты этого хочишь и перестань выпивать
@Kerbango The fact is that I installed the game from unofficial sources, and at the same time I have about a thousand saves. If I update the game, they will be deleted, so I'm posting them. According to my calculations, I will post all of the most important saves only in half a year.
@Christiant2 I already have three 8X8 heavy truck designs, they will be published on the website soon. I am also currently finishing a six-axle truck project.
Thanks for the advice, but at the moment I chose Compass, because in my country it is one of the most popular 3D modeling applications. When I get free, before I start designing a car, I will make my final choice in the application where I will design.
@Kerbango I want to learn 3D modeling somehow, design a car of my own design, and print it on a 3D printer. And I want to make the suspension work. But I'm too busy for a while.
You have finished my car well, it has become more detailed, only in real life this car has the front seats as well as the rear ones, and the gearbox switch was located under the steering wheel
@ACBrasilI looked at the drawings of this aircraft, to be honest, the plane is amazing, it has a complex design - "Flying wing". It can be done , but you need to calculate everything very well
Вертолет на первый взгляд кажется тяжелым и плохоупраляемым, но на самом деле он довольно-таки быстрый и моневренный, а тяжелое вооружение и хорошая защита делает этот верталет идеальным для штурмовых боёв
Этот самолёт относится к последствию русского похмелья, судя по его виду. А его история скорее всего байки местного алкаша. Совет конструктору :научись строить самолёты если ты этого хочишь и перестань выпивать
+2@Kerbango The fact is that I installed the game from unofficial sources, and at the same time I have about a thousand saves. If I update the game, they will be deleted, so I'm posting them. According to my calculations, I will post all of the most important saves only in half a year.
+1@Christiant2 I already have three 8X8 heavy truck designs, they will be published on the website soon. I am also currently finishing a six-axle truck project.
+1@Christiant2 This is an analogue of the T-62.
+1То есть сделать не из блоков а из фюзеляжа?
+1Cool plane
+1У меня не всегда есть время, но буду стараться.
@Kerbango I have an old version of the game, I can't do that.
Thanks for the advice, but at the moment I chose Compass, because in my country it is one of the most popular 3D modeling applications. When I get free, before I start designing a car, I will make my final choice in the application where I will design.
@Kerbango I want to learn 3D modeling somehow, design a car of my own design, and print it on a 3D printer. And I want to make the suspension work. But I'm too busy for a while.
Can anyone tell me why the performance costs are not indicated?
@AircraftExperimental No, when designing this tank, I adhered to the Soviet school of tank building and did not rely on any one tank.
@SILVERPANZER Even better tanks are coming soon.
Unfortunately, I can't install a custom cabin, I have an old version of the game. So I share the old technique to install it.
@Kortofan228 Я подумал на счет вашего предложения : Я согласен сотрудничать с вами.
@Kortofan228 Привет , можете рассказать о своей идее?
@ACBAeronauticalIndustries Hello, remember you wanted to cooperate with me. I wanted to ask you, are we going to cooperate or not?
It just looks like no matter what
I see why you don't have the votes
Aren't you ashamed to post this?
На говновозку похож
Button 1-VTOL-Rockets
@ACBrasil If you consider it necessary, then we can start making another plane, I will not worry about the Tu 404
@ACBrasil What kind of stomach disorder?
You have finished my car well, it has become more detailed, only in real life this car has the front seats as well as the rear ones, and the gearbox switch was located under the steering wheel
@Mrmancan27775 Looks like him
@Mrmancan27775 BV 141
@ACBrasil And you also said that we both get upvotes, so if one of us makes and lays out this plane, then only he will get points
@ACBrasil Hello, remember you wanted to make a Tu 404 plane, I wanted to ask :which one of us will make it?
@ACBrasil I think it's a very good idea
@ACBrasil Only I did not understand what type of engine it has :jet or turboprop
@ACBrasilI looked at the drawings of this aircraft, to be honest, the plane is amazing, it has a complex design - "Flying wing". It can be done , but you need to calculate everything very well
@ACBrasil As you said, I went to your post, what did you want to tell me
@ACBrasil Whenever you want
@ACBrasil Thank you for your feedback. I like your idea of working with me, I approve of it
@DuckiestAcorn6 да
It's a pity you can't put dislikes in this game. Your hands are crooked
The plane looks very good, but it has a low speed, and the fuel quickly runs out
Для первого самолёта хорошо
Ну а если без этого, то самолёт очень даже хороший
A ты мне вроде говорил то нельзя двигатели друг в друга впихивать?
Ты написал что можешь делать самолёты на заказ, так вот можешь сделать истребитель из фюзеляжа, но по реалистичней и скорость по больше сделай
Самолёт конечно хороший в качестве вооружения , но у него вид как у мертвеца
Аригеналтный корпус
Вертолет на первый взгляд кажется тяжелым и плохоупраляемым, но на самом деле он довольно-таки быстрый и моневренный, а тяжелое вооружение и хорошая защита делает этот верталет идеальным для штурмовых боёв
Заказ одобрен?