@CrownedMerc very sorry I haven't responded l. I'm not really checking SP as often but I'm glad to be an inspiration and good luck on your plane if it isn't done already!
Ok thx I'll try this out when I get home since I'm at school and my current device doesn't have SP
I will make sure to credit you along with auto credit
@t10m I'm assuming your talking about how people put in-game images?
Well to do that what I do and I'm sure everyone else does is take a screen shot if your build while using it in-game then putting that screen shot as a "reference blueprint" in the background crop the screen to your desired size for the image and take a picture.
I hope this helps you sorry if I didn't explain good
Also I love this tank
@Mousewithamachinegun123 unlosted pls when i post it ill make sure to give you credits or course thx try to nit mess with the overall design of it but if you really need to then feel free to do so
@Majakalona that would be great
+1@Majakalona yeah I'm still learning the cockpit but thanks for the feedback
+1@Noob101 it's a basic line livery but how does it look and should I do this with future planes
+1@Majakalona yeah unfortunately I can't do to much with the landing gear but I can fix the stabilizer
+1@Majakalona that's a great Idea but I can't do that or atleast I don't know how to
+1@Majakalona I've made the improvements but I can't post it at the moment so I'll try to post it tomorrow morning
+1@Majakalona thanks your information was very much appreciated
+1@Noob101 that would be amazing thx
+1@Aviator720 I don't think I could do the whole universe but I could make a small modles of the solar system
+1@CrownedMerc very sorry I haven't responded l. I'm not really checking SP as often but I'm glad to be an inspiration and good luck on your plane if it isn't done already!
@overlord5453 I completely forgot about that unlisted thing I'm so so sorry I'm posting it rn
@Ironmike5674 no problem
@Ironmike5674 thank you for your help and anyone else who sees this consider giving them a follow and an up vote or two
Ok thx I'll try this out when I get home since I'm at school and my current device doesn't have SP
I will make sure to credit you along with auto credit
Well this is.....normal
@EnglishGarden sorry for late reply but I'll try
A very unique pane this is actually pretty cool
@Zaineman no problem I'm glad I can help
Hi there I just got Auto credit for this remake. I was the original creator of this fat body F-16.
@t10m I'm assuming your talking about how people put in-game images?
Well to do that what I do and I'm sure everyone else does is take a screen shot if your build while using it in-game then putting that screen shot as a "reference blueprint" in the background crop the screen to your desired size for the image and take a picture.
I hope this helps you sorry if I didn't explain good
Also I love this tank
I just saw this and looked at an old SR-71 blackbird I made and it too has 71 parts
@Trainzo no problem keep up the good work sorry I wasn't there for earlier builds I took another break
@Trainzo thx if you ever have a suggestion I'm always open
I just noticed a small error I forgot to hid the command chip oops
@Robomo119E thx
@TheMouse thx
@LoganTheGameDev thx
This is my favorite plane of all time
@JohnsonAviation thx
Pls let me know if you find any issues especially when it comes to driving and it unexpectedly turns I tried fixing it and it seemed fine
10 up votes! That's crazy also my highest number other than the chinook
@Madmaximus alr thanks I'll fix this as soon as I can
@Graingy just read the whole thing sounds interesting I'll do it
@Hahahahaahahshs sorry for late reply but that's great I gotta get back into acecombat
@Dest20345 what do you mean? Do you mean like a Multirole missile?
@Noob101 ok
I'm posting an updated version soon
This planes look very good solid 10/10
@LJh1 sorry for the two week wait I had some issues like my device stopped working and stuff but the helicopter should be done soon
I'm back I can continue to make planes:)
@Noob101 spread the word of possible
@Mousewithamachinegun123 unlosted pls when i post it ill make sure to give you credits or course thx try to nit mess with the overall design of it but if you really need to then feel free to do so
@Noob101 ok I'll try that but I first gotta get the other request done first I gotta make a helicopter which is a little hard to do