Normally I wouldn't be here cause I don't mind what others do alot of the times, but now I have to.
Misuse of anime related stuff like this is what characterizes anime-style content enjoyers in a bad light. You should probably know by now that when there's something that this community can gang up on it's gonna be one hell of a shitshow.
My biggest advice to you is that next time you make something that involves a character from a franchise or game, at least theme the build itself to the character in question instead of slapping an edited/transparent photo of them into the thumbnail with very little correlation to the actual build.
And put some context to it. Context is just as important as it is lacking, like on this.
And try not to use NSFW. It's bad enough that we're put in a bad spot.
Like imagine the RH going on it's routine supply run across the territories, gets jumped by Hive Sirens,
And out of the damn blue Watcher Theta breaches from underwater right next to it and starts firing all her turrets to fend them off
Chaff never fires any further
It just puffs out close to the dispenser and is left behind.
Flares fly out further from the dispenser the higher the launch force
Medibang Paint Pro PC
And no, I'm not exhausted. It's just university and stuff at home killing most of my art plans alongside the motivation to get them done
So with that statement, you're saying any Chinese user that's not the developer or one of the devs can claim Genshin as their own work cause it's Chinese, though they didn't make it.
I suppose I can say that that all your builds are mine cause I'm part of the SP community like you are, when I never made any of them.
It's like saying It's free real estate on a closed source game
gib it lasur
The salt Rafel
+1I almost never leave Wright unless I want to stay on the other islands.
+1And I rarely ever go to Snowstone
13 hours ago
Time to make peace.
+1Carries nuke to war
Or just make it look like it's attached to the pylon, but in reality the part connection is to a fuselage or wing.
+1Hellkeska Premium
The JASDF be getting alot of insane stuff
Normally I wouldn't be here cause I don't mind what others do alot of the times, but now I have to.
Misuse of anime related stuff like this is what characterizes anime-style content enjoyers in a bad light. You should probably know by now that when there's something that this community can gang up on it's gonna be one hell of a shitshow.
My biggest advice to you is that next time you make something that involves a character from a franchise or game, at least theme the build itself to the character in question instead of slapping an edited/transparent photo of them into the thumbnail with very little correlation to the actual build.
And put some context to it. Context is just as important as it is lacking, like on this.
And try not to use NSFW. It's bad enough that we're put in a bad spot.
Till this day people can't see him.
You should know that SGB are the initials of my name
Just look for a ship flailing around in the water
It's not too far away from you once the message appears.
+1That's my watermark
What in the Hellkeska
+1Like imagine the RH going on it's routine supply run across the territories, gets jumped by Hive Sirens,
And out of the damn blue Watcher Theta breaches from underwater right next to it and starts firing all her turrets to fend them off
There's a high chance this freighter was saved multiple times by any of the Watcher Sisters during it's Atlantic or Federation Water voyages
Chaff never fires any further
It just puffs out close to the dispenser and is left behind.
Flares fly out further from the dispenser the higher the launch force
The only things you can change with flares are:
- Note: Only works with actual flares, not chaff
Better being an honest asshole than a fake nice guy.
But there's a fine line between being a genuine asshole and being brutally honest.
@RicardoACE - P-47D template
+1It's a black dot I forgot to erase
+1They fly in Florida, sure.
But in Chernobylat, they mutate with built in weapons.
...Which is what this is.
You thought an alligator was bad?
Medibang Paint Pro
Medibang Paint Pro PC
And no, I'm not exhausted. It's just university and stuff at home killing most of my art plans alongside the motivation to get them done
+1In Sovyet Rashia..
Boolet, fire YOU.
That moment when the bullet itself is ejected
+2and not the brass
kalibrt the brt
This is an Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
+2brr of the kalib
+1box wit rotrbled
+1Only bad thing is that I can't spotlight this due to point difference
VTOL cow
The future's looking great, boys.
+8The future's looking VERY great.
@Aghsan22 - Tu-95V Tsar Bomba carrier
So with that statement, you're saying any Chinese user that's not the developer or one of the devs can claim Genshin as their own work cause it's Chinese, though they didn't make it.
I suppose I can say that that all your builds are mine cause I'm part of the SP community like you are, when I never made any of them.
It's like saying It's free real estate on a closed source game
He's gone.
+2Either he deleted his new alt or he was banned
The because cause yes and everything
That's Aerosultan lol
+3Welcome back.
You can't even lie properly lmao