@397blin You may have replied to the wrong person with that comment, or you're on the wrong post entirely. Either way, I have no idea what you're going on about.
@TWDDerSharkmarine Otana made the thumbnail for him, and he has every right to use it. Possibly even a second time too. They even upvoted, so it's safe to say that they allowed it.
If you mean the jet, then the original was autocredited. Even Aghsan upvoted, meaning they approve of this.
For all of you that are at hard trying to get this post taken down for a "misleading" thumbnail:
The picture is a digital artwork render of the actual plane. Nothing was largely changed and it's not misleading whatsoever. It's still the same jet.
Those who are claiming this to be the case need to have their eyes checked and mental state re-evaluated. Whatever you're accusing this post is just proof that you don't want it around just because it garnered more attention than whatever you made your entire life. People like it, let them like it. It's not that hard to understand.
If you're still bitter about this damn plane getting a ton of attention despite it being a repaint with a few modifications, please. Do us all a favor and cry yourselves to sleep, then get over it the next day. Thank you.
@Skidkid08 Reconnect the missile to the detacher it was tied to.
Mirroring causes a ton of problems unless it's a true simple build.
And it's not an AMRAAM
I know this is an old post and a late comment (and you may already know this), but you can set the ignitionDelay to 0.01 to have a smokeless launch when you make JDAMs.
I modified the bombs of my download to said ignitionDelay value and it now looked more like a legit JDAM drop without the exhaust trail.
@PaperPlaneHasDream I know what I did and I know my mistake. I don't want to reupload this build when it already has this amount of upvotes and everyone has pretty much seen it already and didn't mind or not noticed at all in the first place.
. Edit: By reupload I also mean I don't want to change the thumbnail just for the sake of adding a single letter to the aircraft designation to your relief. People are downloading it, they like it, they keep it. If you're that meticulous about details down to the last inch, just rename it after downloading to whatever model you think it is. It says J-11A in the title but just J-11 in the thumbnail? I don't go with that. Title should be as advertised.
@Viperonursix You not appreciating an opinion from others just makes you look like an ingrate and close-minded when I'm saying truths. Sergio makes builds that are near accurate in terms performance and size. Mistakes happen here and there and the case of his Barracuda being agile for an attack plane is an example.
He won't make a 9G B-52 that can outmaneuver and outrun fighters. He can if he wanted to. But this is about builds being almost historically and operationally identical to the real thing.
If you wanted this dive bomber to be more maneuverable, do it yourself and modify the elevators to have a higher deflection angle so it would suit your needs. Creators won't answer the minority requests most of the time unless it's really needed or what the majority asks for is absurd.
I shouldn't need to explain to you since you look like you're smarter than how you present yourself with your argument. But from the looks of things, seemed like I had to. Don't take it as me berating your intelligence because of your response.
You want an F-14 in generic black and red paintjob? YOU make an F-14 in that said black and red paintjob. I don't know what you need specifically, and I don't do requests. It's just a recolor you wanted? There's a shit ton of Tomcats on the site. Dig through them, find what you want, give it a new coat of paint, call it a day.
Would've been nice if the turret was mouse aimed like this Sherman but it's good enough as is. Might try to modify it with the turret control but highly likely I'll lose momentum before I could even start.
On that note, have an updoot
@Viperonursix I could care less about your appreciation to a reply. I said what I needed to say, and it was a direct answer. I didn't need to repeat when it's already clear that dedicated dive bombers were never maneuverable at all. This build reflects that, and is accurate.
Let's end it at that.
@Shimamurahougetsu - Sorry that it's not an Su-47. Just had to make it more realistic in a way
@ReinMcDeer - Original builder
@Axartar This is correct
+1@SpartanSR91 - Cause why not, and you saw this rattletrap in MP
The fact that the images are lined up perfectly too just makes it even better
I was wondering where it's props are then I scrolled to the next thumbnail and saw it was a pusher type. Great build.
+8@ReignSUPREME It's allowed as long as the build in question inside the render remains largely unchanged
@bigblackduck Go download it then
@397blin You may have replied to the wrong person with that comment, or you're on the wrong post entirely. Either way, I have no idea what you're going on about.
@LeaveUsAlone ACV-M1 not giving a rat's ass cause it works anyway
@TWDDerSharkmarine Otana made the thumbnail for him, and he has every right to use it. Possibly even a second time too. They even upvoted, so it's safe to say that they allowed it.
If you mean the jet, then the original was autocredited. Even Aghsan upvoted, meaning they approve of this.
For all of you that are at hard trying to get this post taken down for a "misleading" thumbnail:
The picture is a digital artwork render of the actual plane. Nothing was largely changed and it's not misleading whatsoever. It's still the same jet.
Those who are claiming this to be the case need to have their eyes checked and mental state re-evaluated. Whatever you're accusing this post is just proof that you don't want it around just because it garnered more attention than whatever you made your entire life. People like it, let them like it. It's not that hard to understand.
If you're still bitter about this damn plane getting a ton of attention despite it being a repaint with a few modifications, please. Do us all a favor and cry yourselves to sleep, then get over it the next day. Thank you.
@Skidkid08 Reconnect the missile to the detacher it was tied to.
Mirroring causes a ton of problems unless it's a true simple build.
And it's not an AMRAAM
cannon fighter is back online
+2Is this camera aimed or by VTOL/Trim?
+1@alexJgameYTukraine000000 Don't advertise your builds on comment sections next time.
Lay down proof of me copying your idea that never took off before you drop accusations. I don't even know who you are.
@Lightning_Hatsune so is your Hatsune Shitsu. Get over yourself and keep walking.
+2I know this is an old post and a late comment (and you may already know this), but you can set the
to have a smokeless launch when you make JDAMs.I modified the bombs of my download to said
value and it now looked more like a legit JDAM drop without the exhaust trail.@TylerWildDog You deserve a stick up your asshole.
@Holymissile You're an idiot.
@Holymissile You think that's the only crap I post?
I'll post the different ACV-M1 variants soon. Be sure to keep watch in your jetstreams if you follow me.
AG2 = Gyro (dont)
@PaperPlaneHasDream Made an edit to my previous reply.
@PaperPlaneHasDream I know what I did and I know my mistake. I don't want to reupload this build when it already has this amount of upvotes and everyone has pretty much seen it already and didn't mind or not noticed at all in the first place.
Edit: By reupload I also mean I don't want to change the thumbnail just for the sake of adding a single letter to the aircraft designation to your relief. People are downloading it, they like it, they keep it. If you're that meticulous about details down to the last inch, just rename it after downloading to whatever model you think it is. It says J-11A in the title but just J-11 in the thumbnail? I don't go with that. Title should be as advertised.
@Viperonursix You not appreciating an opinion from others just makes you look like an ingrate and close-minded when I'm saying truths. Sergio makes builds that are near accurate in terms performance and size. Mistakes happen here and there and the case of his Barracuda being agile for an attack plane is an example.
He won't make a 9G B-52 that can outmaneuver and outrun fighters. He can if he wanted to. But this is about builds being almost historically and operationally identical to the real thing.
If you wanted this dive bomber to be more maneuverable, do it yourself and modify the elevators to have a higher deflection angle so it would suit your needs. Creators won't answer the minority requests most of the time unless it's really needed or what the majority asks for is absurd.
I shouldn't need to explain to you since you look like you're smarter than how you present yourself with your argument. But from the looks of things, seemed like I had to. Don't take it as me berating your intelligence because of your response.
You want an F-14 in generic black and red paintjob? YOU make an F-14 in that said black and red paintjob. I don't know what you need specifically, and I don't do requests. It's just a recolor you wanted? There's a shit ton of Tomcats on the site. Dig through them, find what you want, give it a new coat of paint, call it a day.
@IDarjeelingSamaI Check my highlighted posts and you might change your mind.
Would've been nice if the turret was mouse aimed like this Sherman but it's good enough as is. Might try to modify it with the turret control but highly likely I'll lose momentum before I could even start.
On that note, have an updoot
What in the world
@OUSSAMAD Cool. Stay boiled about it.
Centipede Vehicle
@Viperonursix I could care less about your appreciation to a reply. I said what I needed to say, and it was a direct answer. I didn't need to repeat when it's already clear that dedicated dive bombers were never maneuverable at all. This build reflects that, and is accurate.
Let's end it at that.
@AnOmalOcaris Yae Miko would like to know your location
I'd go nyoom in this everyday if it wasn't 700+ parts. Take an upvote instead
+1Edit: and a spotlight
@BaconAircraft Tagging on request of successor update
+2Yes. Engine number 2 is intentionally red painted
for aesthetic purposes.
@SyntheticL But not the plane. Why does this little mistake even concern you that much? Did it hurt you in any way?