51.5k ShinyGemsBro Comments

  • M100 Anti-Aircraft Turret 4.3 years ago

    @MikoyanGorevich21 I know asking for upvotes is a lowly thing to do but it would help if you could do that so my work is recognized.. even if it's a simple build :')

  • M150 Gun Turret 4.3 years ago

    @MaxonBR Can't wait to see the new and improved one

  • M100 Anti-Aircraft Turret 4.3 years ago

    @MikoyanGorevich21 Yeah. It's controlled by mouse

  • M150 Gun Turret 4.3 years ago

    @Pornflakes81 Yeah, I'm not really on that level of skill yet to use fuselages for sleek parts.. highly likely it'll end up looking like a rotten tomato with a tumor. As for the turret controls, yeah, I'll switch it back to VTOL and Trim.. more stable and all.

  • Ocean 4.3 years ago

    @Gestour Time to get out of my cave I suppose. LET THE DOWNLOAD COMMENCE

  • Ocean 4.3 years ago

    @Gestour ..Damn.. I got

    no wonder.

  • Ocean 4.3 years ago

    @Gestour Wait.. what's the latest version? I never bothered going to the "About" section in the main menu lmao

  • Ocean 4.3 years ago

    @Gestour went down to the last mod I had, even Overload and Fine Tuner. Nothing. Ocean's flatter than a pancake.. not a single wave

    Does this have any prerequisites before being installed? Or any hardware update for it to work? I'm on an old Samsung laptop

  • Ocean 4.3 years ago

    @Gestour Water's just flat, no waves or going underwater at all. I checked my mods list in the Jundroo file and Ocean.spmod is there , listed with the others I have installed. But the ocean hasn't changed one bit. I even set the water quality to high and nothing still.

  • Ocean 4.3 years ago

    @Gestour Pressed O to open the menu, nothing's appearing.. Should I show you my mod list or something?

  • Ocean 4.3 years ago

    @Gestour Sorry for being annoying.. I just wanna get this to work and all.. It looks damn fire

  • Ocean 4.3 years ago

    @Gestour Where do you press O to open the menu? In game or in the main menu?

  • Ocean 4.3 years ago

    Doesn't show up in my mods list after installing and the game opens.. Dunno why :/

  • Drone 4.3 years ago

    Nice one

  • D-28 Desert Fox 5.3 years ago

    @Randomdoggo Yeah, I know. I just wanted to post it.

    I got two more variants of the Desert Fox. I'd like to post them too, if it's okay with you.

  • Clouds 5.4 years ago

    Can anyone link me to the Spitfire that was used?
    And cool mod. Just finished downloading

  • Basic Fighter 5.8 years ago

    Thanks for the upvote @Treadmill103 :')

    If it's alright with you, check out my other proud creation, the Hellkeska Midnight Crow :)


  • Basic Fighter 5.8 years ago

    @Stonewarrior272 I set the designer's brightness to max and it resulted in that. lmao

  • Basic Fighter 5.8 years ago

    @Stonewarrior272 It's because of the designer light, man.

  • Maximum OverKill 5.8 years ago

    They're at it again, are they? Fine...
    wears WW2 pilot cap and climbs into my Spitfire
    Let's hope they believe in God. Cause I'm bringing him to this damn island.

  • Hellkeska Midnight Crow 5.9 years ago

    @Imashovel thanks for the upvote! I wasn't expecting this plane to get one since it's just has a few minor XML edits on it :')

  • He 112 B-0 Fliegende Kanone 5.9 years ago

    @AnoniMosu Hit me with with what you think of my work <3

  • Heinkel He.112 A-0 V-6 Kanonenvogel 5.9 years ago

    @AnoniMosu Plane submitted

  • Heinkel He.112 A-0 V-6 Kanonenvogel 5.9 years ago

    @AnoniMosu Already got a plane ready. Just doing some finishing touches.

  • Heinkel He.112 A-0 V-6 Kanonenvogel 5.9 years ago

    @AnoniMosu I'll take that as a no

  • Heinkel He.112 A-0 V-6 Kanonenvogel 5.9 years ago

    Permission to repaint and re-designate this plane?

  • MiG-21bis Romanian Air Force 5.9 years ago

    Another masterpiece well done

  • Walrus Airlines D-355 Kingfisher 5.9 years ago

    @Jurassicty060 Nah, they're all just repaints and equipment edits. (Plus re-designations) xD

  • X-105 high alltidute medium range bomber 5.9 years ago

    Pretty awesome for a basic build. I can't even do stuff like these at all since I just edit stock planes lmaoo

  • Walrus Airlines D-355 Kingfisher 5.9 years ago

    @Jurassicty060 Ah, okay

  • Walrus Airlines D-355 Kingfisher 5.9 years ago

    Can't even make a TRUE simple plane. This is one hell of a job well done.

  • P-51D-15-NA Invader 5.9 years ago

    @Thecatbaron Updated the description for some "Creative Info" :P@Thecatbaron

  • Mod not appearing after download 5.9 years ago

    @JamesBoA VERY. Witchcraft maybe? XD

    Anyway, if there's no solution for this, I might as well give up and just find me another mod :')

  • Mod not appearing after download 5.9 years ago

    @JamesBoA I just found something out.
    I loaded the mod from the Mods file, as you told me. Now there was a small delay before the game actually opened, and I saw the Mod Settings mod DISAPPEAR from the list.

  • Mod not appearing after download 5.9 years ago

    @JamesBoA Still nothing :/

  • 1 5.9 years ago

    GoOd DaY cOmRaDe

    Plays Uamee - Kopeika

  • P-51C Emerald Mustang 5.9 years ago

    @otayahiromo8211 No, you didn't annoy me. I was just clarifying that I can't modify/create planes in XML, because I'm too dumb for XML editing xD

  • P-51C Emerald Mustang 5.9 years ago

    @otayahiromo8211 I CAN use XML lmao. Like I said, I don't got the experience/skills to use it since I have no idea how to do so. I might end up bleeding my brain out XD.

  • P-51C Emerald Mustang 5.9 years ago

    @otayahiromo8211 I don't have the skills for that xD. Plus, I got no experience in XML editing too. :')

  • P-51C Emerald Mustang 5.9 years ago


    Thanks for the upvote :')

  • Mod not appearing after download 5.9 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer Recently got Overload (You guessed it, didn't work)

    I don't know about finetuner though. I'll try that.

  • Mod not appearing after download 5.9 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer You know a page here in SP that got recent mod updates?

  • Mod not appearing after download 5.9 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer Maybe. I don't really know. Some mods I downloaded are already ages old I think..

  • Mod not appearing after download 5.9 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer That's what I did. Many times. Nothing happened. I was thinking that some mods might be interfering with the loading, so I removed a few of them. But still nothing.

  • North American P-51D Mustang (improved) 6.0 years ago

    @danman12 I'll post the plane after I finish a few dogfights with it. Thanks!

  • North American P-51D Mustang (improved) 6.0 years ago

    Permission to repaint this beautiful bird into my war colors?