Thanks @TehNewDucky I didn't mean to copy you design by any mean, I was thinking of a star fighter but I guess it looks quite similar to that of yours.
Sorry Skua, my son is just starting out and for some reason it didn't seem to download properly the first couple of times hence the multiple download. He's pretty keen on designing bits and pieces so I found your comment to him a bit abrupt and rude. I realize you have a job to do as mod, and probably get lots of spamming going on, but please try a more positive approach at least in the first instance...we were all young and enthusiastic once...please try and encourage it!
I appreciate it
Thanks guys
Thanks @clayman0
1 is to activate the props.
2 is to activate the cannon which rotates 124°
3 is for lights
4 is to drive
Can you please make an S-37, if you could that would be awesome.
Not million, billion
I used it for the 'going the distance' game and I went 1.5billion ft literally.
Thanks @DarkLithium
Thank you @RedFalcon so much
@DarkLithium check out the full thing I've just uploaded it
Thanks @General360
Thanks @TempestAviation
Thanks @DarkLithium
Sorry Suka but I did put madden engines on it. Please may I repost it
The foxtrotter sea dancer
Thanks guys
Oh well thanks for making the competition I really enjoyed it. Please make another
@TehNewDucky thanks
@TehNewDucky have you closed the comp.
VTOL up press 1 and throttled up. Do it as fast as you can and swoosh, you off
Says you
@weaslefan10101, I will give you 5 up votes for trying!
It's ok @weaselfan10101, at least you tried your best
Uk time zone sorry got it wrong deadline is today at 5pm
It's the largest plane challenge
@TehNewDucky, can you please try my challenge the deadline is 5 pm tonight.
Cool @TehNewDucky, can't wait!!!
That's the landing gear so I'll give it my best shot
Thanks my friend @jcook put weapons on another plane but it would not fly so I fixed it @Mox
Thanks @Mox
Fixed it
@jcook10 produce more stuff I really like what you have done
Thanks @ccooper
I've built a new one! It's is called the bbc tigermoth, please check it out! Thanks
I'll make a new one now
And I've just noticed that the wings aren't long enough and it has only 51 parts
Thanks @TehNewDucky I didn't mean to copy you design by any mean, I was thinking of a star fighter but I guess it looks quite similar to that of yours.
I've uploaded a plane for this challenge @TehNewDucky. It is called big boy challenge. Please check it out.
Good logic @Flightsonic
Ok, so thanks for that comment @Engineeroftommorow this competition is only for iOS. Thank you
Oh yew and mention my name so I can find it faster
Looks more like an A340 but looks awesome nonetheless
Sorry I failed
Ill try my best
Cool thanks :D
I know thanks for the body! :D
How did you do it
Thanks FuRiOuSpLaNeS
Thanks, all your planes look fab by the way
Sorry Skua, my son is just starting out and for some reason it didn't seem to download properly the first couple of times hence the multiple download. He's pretty keen on designing bits and pieces so I found your comment to him a bit abrupt and rude. I realize you have a job to do as mod, and probably get lots of spamming going on, but please try a more positive approach at least in the first instance...we were all young and enthusiastic once...please try and encourage it!