could you make a plane instead of adding things
-... .- ... . -.... ....-
decode this u wont (maybe) znjez+Z
some one got the gun rigth for once
@Lennington i knew it and im making a simple P47
if u can make a torpedo bomber base off this
u need help i made a gimbal with rotors/hitches
hay this is (good)ok il Upvotes
1 this is more simple than the bush plane in SP like why have pich on hinges...what oh nvm rotators like i learned that after i made my 3rd plane that is a simple p 47 witch i'm starting now so yes it is more simple
you mean tank?
is it ah or AHHHHHHHHH
@MSGamezYXZ360 i can make the top move with my fix
@MSGamezYXZ360 b 17
@MSGamezYXZ360 yep
more like pre war cruiser
@MSGamezYXZ360 but here hope you be come the next major content creator
@SmashGrabJr that iknow
SP bombs are op
when you strap a nuke on a plane
are you sure about that
can u read a wiki like this one here and pictures and blue prints
il try
i am trying to make the engine of the P 39
eeheheheh im gowing to work waht kind aircraft ? motor / engen land tank?
huh i know what to do with this
front facing pic its messes with my braainn
FP 98 MBH goblin (main battle heil
the angle the bear cat make it look tall and wide u know from the sides
using my laptop keyboard for now on
no i have a sh**y keyboard
im form US you have never bine form a model shop?
tank builder more like plane builder
i asked ace if he can do it and he sayed yes so its kinda of a race
REEE why cant i spell today
all things that are good will take days but yyou have a competer
u dont have to but this an 2 is harder than f3f2
this is harder than the f3f2
can u make a f3f2
new title :playing simple planes in the 190's
can u pls make the sterman
dont (tolltaly not put a giro i programed )have a a giro but its done
oh your not in US or japan
with the giro
it did a flat spin
with no giro this time
or the egg model planes you can buy
fixed it but texting is not done
more like egg b o i :D
could you make a plane instead of adding things
-... .- ... . -.... ....-
decode this u wont (maybe) znjez+Z
some one got the gun rigth for once
@Lennington i knew it and im making a simple P47
if u can make a torpedo bomber base off this
u need help i made a gimbal with rotors/hitches
hay this is (good)ok il Upvotes
1 this is more simple than the bush plane in SP like why have pich on hinges...what oh nvm rotators like i learned that after i made my 3rd plane that is a simple p 47 witch i'm starting now so yes it is more simple
you mean tank?
is it ah or AHHHHHHHHH
@MSGamezYXZ360 i can make the top move with my fix
@MSGamezYXZ360 b 17
@MSGamezYXZ360 yep
more like pre war cruiser
@MSGamezYXZ360 but here hope you be come the next major content creator
@SmashGrabJr that iknow
SP bombs are op
when you strap a nuke on a plane
are you sure about that
can u read a wiki like this one here and pictures and blue prints
il try
i am trying to make the engine
of the P 39
eeheheheh im gowing to work waht kind aircraft ?
motor / engen land tank?
i know what to do with this
front facing pic
its messes with my braainn
FP 98 MBH goblin
(main battle heil
the angle the bear cat make it look tall and wide u know from the sides
using my laptop keyboard for now on
no i have a sh**y keyboard
im form US you have never bine form a model shop?
tank builder more like plane builder
i asked ace if he can do it and he sayed yes so its kinda of a race
REEE why cant i spell today
all things that are good will take days but yyou have a competer
u dont have to but this an 2 is harder than f3f2
this is harder than the f3f2
can u make a f3f2
new title :playing simple planes in the 190's
can u pls make the sterman
dont (tolltaly not put a giro i programed )have a a giro but its done
oh your not in US or japan
with the giro
it did a flat spin
with no giro this time
or the egg model planes you can buy
fixed it
but texting is not done
more like egg b o i :D