@Tully2001 i know it doesn't because i cant use the mod required because it breaks the game for me i think its incompatible software so yeah cant some one invert the way wings worked
@AdrianFlyingAce dont know then im not very good with computers or smart phones im more of a driver rally driver to be specific and engineer and a descent marksman with a tranquilizer rifle and pistol very useful against trespassers
@AdrianFlyingAce yeah i used to go to the arcade because well computers where massive and game like that wouldn't work very well on computers back then
@TrainDude little tip don't brake through the corner or you'll under steer brake just before the corner and let momentum take you round and accelerate as you exit
@Sauce !??!?!?!!???????????????????................?!?!?!!!!??!!?!???......
@LukeDaDuke especially aero engineering and regular engineering im a Russian so quality engineering is something im quite partial to
@LukeDaDuke it helps when you've read over 1000 books
@LukeDaDuke well i like the idea comrade
@MrSilverWolf hey that'll help with a top secret h#### ##r well I'll just say a project
I think a lot of people have done it look around see what you can find
McDonnell Douglas F-15 STOL/MTD thats basically a heavily modified f15
@ChiChiWerx its alright plus the car is noware near Finished
@MechWARRIOR57 this car needs down force badly as it spins out far to easy I'll mention you the so you can see what i mean
@ChiChiWerx and as ive said both mods break my game
@Tully2001 ive seen a vehicle with parts that provided down force i just cant find the vehicle it was a racing chassis
@Tully2001 i know it doesn't because i cant use the mod required because it breaks the game for me i think its incompatible software so yeah cant some one invert the way wings worked
@MechWARRIOR57 i know it dossent@ChiChiWerx and i dont have ths Fine Tuner
Put stabilizers on it
+1@AdrianFlyingAce dont know then im not very good with computers or smart phones im more of a driver rally driver to be specific and engineer and a descent marksman with a tranquilizer rifle and pistol very useful against trespassers
@AdrianFlyingAce you go to view profile then manage profile and you should have it from there
@TrainDude yeah im haven't had experience with snow and ice stages yet
@AdrianFlyingAce yeah i used to go to the arcade because well computers where massive and game like that wouldn't work very well on computers back then
@AdrianFlyingAce im probably showing my age now i think so
@AdrianFlyingAce ahh the good old arcade days i remember galaga which was based on battle star galactica
@TakicraftCorporation well I'll send the suspension and you'll build the chassis and ill design the body ps the suspension is on a test frame
@Franticmatty what do you reckon before flight whether its stable or not its stable ?
@Franticmatty makes sense
@Franticmatty ????? Why did you mention your self ??
@Franticmatty try this out
@Franticmatty ive got a plane ive already built and complies with the rules I'll mention you there
@TakicraftCorporation by the way love the engine shame i can't make or mod engines
@TakicraftCorporation im making a experimental hyper car with my best suspension yet
@TrainDude i only used to do small rally circuit
@EliteIndustries1 try this beast out
@TakicraftCorporation and did you have to use pagini zonda style exhaust lol
@TakicraftCorporation i think you've inspired me im still on my break but ill upload the odd thing or to
@Thatplane22 ??????????
@TrainDude its a little something i picked up on when i did my race and rally drivers license
@TrainDude and i my android could handle it i would make a trials truck
@TrainDude but if its too fast it uhh flys sorta ps this is where adjustable torque and top speed would be great
@TrainDude little tip don't brake through the corner or you'll under steer brake just before the corner and let momentum take you round and accelerate as you exit
@TrainDude the only difference is it lacks in traction and power
@TrainDude oh yeah you ever driven one the amount of power going down to the tires is immense especially in snow
@TrainDude it kinda resembles a tatra chassis
@TrainDude its good for rally raid spec
@Thequietbob and its usually a small howitzer rather than a medium howitzer
+1@ElGatoVolador can i make a vehicle from the chassis ?
@Thequietbob they don't usually add engines to a howitzer unless its a vehicle mounted but then thats a howitzer added to a vehicle
Three of three @TrainDude
@TrainDude one of three
@Geekpride i would love to see an opponents plane
@SkullsAndCrossbones i rekon he should do a challenge
@oDDDity and both where hard enough