add maywar and kraken to mobile!!
add maywar and kraken to mobile
meet the spy
kevin hart attack not big enough
really nice for a first upload
THIS BABY CAN GO 0-270MPH IN 1 SECOND!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS A KPH🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
alabama sprite
hope this big boi runs on my lemon powered phone
me: my phone can handle 1000 parts also me: at one fps sniffle
good target practice
fatass hypersonic missle
@Graingy i made it myself cause i was bored
@TheFighterHelmet mig-21
104' 104. wowzers
potato chip
where bom
i hope u have the time
@SkyJayTheFirst also i need help with engine optimization cus it has alot of parts
@SkyJayTheFirst i gon try to make lo part
@JJ0plane mkII and III are done
@ToeTips I don't think i could be much help, but i could be an Android tester before you launch the VTOL. It's okay if you don't like the idea.
@WinsWings nooooooo
@ToeTips it's still laggy, but it's manageable.
i need upvotes on my creations because i want to upvote other creations
@crazyplaness to be honest alot of the """"""""mods""""""""" are from simple planes
rest in peace to all the people who died
since ai keeps crashing into big planes/ships this would be a good um training ship? yeah training ship
im eating rice right now actually
vanilla mod list for easy mod instalment on mobile
@SkyJayTheFirst awww :(
@SkyJayTheFirst you working on the mobile friendly?
@Beesechurger2 alabama sprite
@SkyJayTheFirst thanks my cpu cant handle it
Mobile friendly version pls?
evil gestour: ill add mobile support
pls considero upvoto
oh my word such a long comment
Thanks for the tips!
just remove the hair (not being rude)
@Griffon1 thanks
it will be taken down if u dont want it here
is it ok if i use this as a weapons pod
the function code doesn't work (always dissolves into thin air when i check back after clicking the tick icon) any help/advice?
such a glow up
add maywar and kraken to mobile!!
+9add maywar and kraken to mobile
+3meet the spy
+3kevin hart attack not big enough
+2really nice for a first upload
+2THIS BABY CAN GO 0-270MPH IN 1 SECOND!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS A KPH🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
+2alabama sprite
+2hope this big boi runs on my lemon powered phone
+2me: my phone can handle 1000 parts
+2also me: at one fps sniffle
good target practice
+2fatass hypersonic missle
+2@Graingy i made it myself cause i was bored
+1@TheFighterHelmet mig-21
+1104' 104. wowzers
+1potato chip
+1where bom
+1i hope u have the time
+1@SkyJayTheFirst also i need help with engine optimization cus it has alot of parts
+1@SkyJayTheFirst i gon try to make lo part
+1@JJ0plane mkII and III are done
+1@ToeTips I don't think i could be much help, but i could be an Android tester before you launch the VTOL. It's okay if you don't like the idea.
+1@WinsWings nooooooo
+1@ToeTips it's still laggy, but it's manageable.
+1i need upvotes on my creations because i want to upvote other creations
+1@crazyplaness to be honest alot of the """"""""mods""""""""" are from simple planes
+1rest in peace to all the people who died
+1since ai keeps crashing into big planes/ships this would be a good um training ship? yeah training ship
+1im eating rice right now actually
+1vanilla mod list for easy mod instalment on mobile
+1@SkyJayTheFirst awww :(
+1@SkyJayTheFirst you working on the mobile friendly?
+1@Beesechurger2 alabama sprite
+1alabama sprite
+1@SkyJayTheFirst thanks my cpu cant handle it
+1Mobile friendly version pls?
+1evil gestour: ill add mobile support
+1pls considero upvoto
oh my word such a long comment
Thanks for the tips!
just remove the hair (not being rude)
@Griffon1 thanks
it will be taken down if u dont want it here
is it ok if i use this as a weapons pod
the function code doesn't work (always dissolves into thin air when i check back after clicking the tick icon) any help/advice?
such a glow up