Make a trumpet. And if you do make it. Tag me. Here I’ll tag you one of mine link. Trumpets are not too hard to make and are stress free to make. But take a long time to make
Slams desk. Breaks keyboard. Gets out highlighter. Highlights the word simple on the SimplePlanes logo on my monitor. Darn now I have to go buy a new monitor. And being a doge dosnt pay well. Times have gotten tough for doge kind@jamesPLANESii
I get where your coming from man. I’ve reasoned with a lot of new players who don’t understand why someone is posting instruments on a plane site. But my friend thinking outside the box works very efficiently and I wouldn’t be gold if I didn’t make instruments. I am to date the highest ranked instrument maker that consistently makes instruments.@SeasonedAviatorBoi
Nice he deserves every upvote@Piolt1
Not going to lie I consider you the best offroad vehicle builder in sp
+1It will be finished before 6:00@The1Big1Finger1111
Well you are free to steal any part of my logo@MrAspy
It’s cool@MrAspy
Well then when you get the 1st chair next year I will officially salute you. Anyway congratulations.@aircraftarsenal123
That you’ll be awsome
Nice. Just be “accidentally better then him” on the chair tests.@aircraftarsenal123
Challenge up. Take the god chair. I believe in you@aircraftarsenal123
Can you link me it@exosuit
Make a trumpet. And if you do make it. Tag me. Here I’ll tag you one of mine link. Trumpets are not too hard to make and are stress free to make. But take a long time to make
Drives over the bridge at krakabloa. Gets flung off the bridge@Strikefighter04
+1At what time
Slams desk. Breaks keyboard. Gets out highlighter. Highlights the word simple on the SimplePlanes logo on my monitor. Darn now I have to go buy a new monitor. And being a doge dosnt pay well. Times have gotten tough for doge kind@jamesPLANESii
+2Fascinating tag idea
I love the constructive criticism. I will do what I can@aircraftarsenal123
Is that second chair or second part@aircraftarsenal123
Aha I see. I can see the humor in the meme@Vidal99977
I get where your coming from man. I’ve reasoned with a lot of new players who don’t understand why someone is posting instruments on a plane site. But my friend thinking outside the box works very efficiently and I wouldn’t be gold if I didn’t make instruments. I am to date the highest ranked instrument maker that consistently makes instruments.@SeasonedAviatorBoi
That right there is difficult. Do s your middle school do challenges for chair position?@Strikefighter04
+1K m8@DankDorito
Ur imgur photo didn’t load. Try using deviantart@Rub3n213
It usually takes me 4 hours to deliver xml requests unless I get them at good times like 12:00 or 2:00@DankDorito
I know. I have a life outside of sp. it’s difficult for even me to believe @DankDorito
Good point@jamesPLANESii
I’m on it
You want one part right?@The1Big1Finger1111
I’ll give it a look@DankDorito
It’s a good color choice also
That’s a nice iPad.
+1Aha I see. I can get you just that. It will arrive before tomorrow
There all cool to me
Darn I was gonna help
ooooh ahhhh. nifty
@Notaleopard nice lore. i started right when sp users started quitting.
Seems legit@Notaleopard
Bangs desk
Tag meh
Let me know if you get any information@jamesPLANESii
Almost there@BlackhattAircraft
Just wondering. Will it be available for Mac. Also how much does it cost
Make the posts clickable