All good, you made heaps of chnages. The rear wongs are on rotators that are buiried in the engines. It takes a bit of practice to get tem there. One way is to rotate the engine out of the way, place the complete assembly where you want it, and then rotate the engine back into place. @6SPDsoul
Check my uploads - parts, as it should alteady be uploaded and can be set up as a sub-assembly. Becareful not to move it once you place it and then it shouldnt glitch the game. @LCNOoSEIV
Super cool update by the way, the weapons give this many new dimensions to explore and just look brilliant! and at the same time performing perfectly...
@mattmck Yours is perfectly fine! It flys great which takes a bit work to get right. The balance a little off when on the run-way, but that all about moving the landing gear a little to the rear. It also looks great. Good job!
Thanks @WalrusAircraft
Cool, thanks @grantflys
I did lool, but which one? @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries
@ronyseptian17 Please see description for link to mobile version.
@Exumer Great idea!
@ProKillaV12 @ArgentumFen @Shmexysmpilot @ProKillaV12 Please see description for link to mobile version. If you like please upvote this one though.
I could take the weapons off maybe? nd machine guns... ?@ProKillaV12
Cool @ProKillaV12
Love it!
@Rohan Nice!!!!!!
All good, you made heaps of chnages. The rear wongs are on rotators that are buiried in the engines. It takes a bit of practice to get tem there. One way is to rotate the engine out of the way, place the complete assembly where you want it, and then rotate the engine back into place. @6SPDsoul
Thanks @tonycracks
@Stingray Yep, its forcingme to clean up my sub's, >300 and lot very very old... :)
Thanks Philip, and I haven't seen them, but will check now!!! @PhilipTarpley
Mine didnt either, but I can still access the older version and I'm just copying what I need. @Stingray
Go to right shift to open the weapons thingy, select air to ground and then the rockets. And then use left alt to fire. @2416creeper
WOW, great all round, and espicailly the cockpit!
This is a masterpiece!!!
@grantflys K I have, but I'm waiting a while before uploadind.
Very soon I'm sure!!! @JoeAdkinson13
Check my uploads - parts, as it should alteady be uploaded and can be set up as a sub-assembly. Becareful not to move it once you place it and then it shouldnt glitch the game. @LCNOoSEIV
Excellent!!! @grantflys
@ArgentumFen It will be...
@ArgentumFen Yes, the new steam version. I'm not sure how the mobile version will work, but it should be released very soon, so we'll find out then!
@mattmck Yep, getting the shape right takes me the most time, once you have that then fitting it out is relatively straight forward.
@ArgentumFen No, they very very cool. Like you would find in any flight/figher sim. Mount them and just hit 'space' to fire!
Auto pilot! YAY!
Super cool update by the way, the weapons give this many new dimensions to explore and just look brilliant! and at the same time performing perfectly...
Any notes on updating between versions? for example when installing the new version are current builds copied across and ditto for sub-assemblies?
@mattmck Yours is perfectly fine! It flys great which takes a bit work to get right. The balance a little off when on the run-way, but that all about moving the landing gear a little to the rear. It also looks great. Good job!
@Authros Thanks
@Nicost27 Unfortunatley no - this is one for the Devs I reckon.
@Rifqigamers1 In progress :)
Guns kill, not smoking - or is that people kill, not guns or smoking...?
@DeezDucks Try using the blocks, and/or rotate them into place. Eg. put them where you want and them rotate them on any axis 4 times...
You're a serious arms-dealer!!! Love your work!
@Spikerya these are very small increments, is it % or actual degress?
Thansk everyone!!!! @TheLatentImage @syler @Miccrazy @DonaldDuke @JaySto @FIRESHOTER @dsr1aviation @mattmck @
Very realistic flying experece!
This looks great! If you like I can mod your engines - ie. rotate them a little to she flys level...
Try taking one apart and you eill see... @Franzisnice
@Rohan I do, but waiting for the release before uploading... its basically the same but with new missiles and now with trim.
Thanks @ronyseptian17
@ronyseptian17 All good, no worries at all.
@XVIindustries Yep, by the time I realised it was so big, it was a bit late and I just had to finished it! Now moving on :) hahahaha
@Stampede Very cool!