@TheLatentImage He has bascially detached the tracks from the main tank, but no changes from that... Basically place a cockpit on the tracks, remove or move one peice - done. Hahaha. Naughty naughty @them1814
@Futurepilot1701 Not so hard. Basically there are limited things that you can do and its all around changing values in the code, not actualy doing any coding...
@AndrewGarrison Thanks Andrew, I'm current in Indonesia and they have Reddit banned country-wide for some resaon :) hahaha, I'll log in via VPN....
Cery cool looking!
Goes well!
Cool, works well!
Nice jet!
Love the shape and colours!!!
This is nifty!
A bit laggy but it works - well done!
Interesting and they also float!
Cool, also useful for target practice!!!
This drives really well!
I like it!
You're right - just trying to keep it simple... @XVIindustries
@SQUIDGY Wow impressive!
@KerbalVehiclesCompany Thanks
@TheOwlAce Like how?
Thanks!!! @Rattle13 @Cjredwards @WWIIplanes @Kimo @CrazyAirLines @ FighterCrafter14
@Exumer 1930's vintage - you are gonna get a few glitches :)
All good and to know if there are issues... I'll check it out ... @Trent1sz
Very cool and those missile and bombs are amaxing, in fact I think you have set a new standard for weapons!!!
Nicely balanced!
Very cool!
Vewry well done! I managed to launch a torp, then crash into the water and was hit by the torp! hahaha!
Thanks @Cjredwards
Yes, make it a sub-assembly instead @Tribaldragon1
@TheLatentImage He has bascially detached the tracks from the main tank, but no changes from that... Basically place a cockpit on the tracks, remove or move one peice - done. Hahaha. Naughty naughty @them1814
@ACMECo1940 No, why do you ask?
@BritishNarwhal Mayb you should then start it on land!
@Cedy117 Haha - the springy antenna is my favorite part too!
@EricJernack @TheLatentImage @goboygo1 Thanks
@CJsPlanes I think it might... well done!
@Rohan Interesting, I will check that out - damn quality control!
@CraftmasterPilot Yes, however if you hit the breaks just as you touch down, the rotators will stop making it really easy!
Favorited immidiately!
@MrBackstabby Hehehehe :)
@Indigo Yep, have just uploaded the basic body wit a few features.... have fun!
@Spikerya Wow, thanks - so many upvotes!!! so much appreciated!
@Spikerya Thanks :)
Good! With no 'tail' I'm sure it took ages to get it fly as it does... I like her!
Thanks @RocketLL
Yes, I threw up five times making this contraption! @EpembI4
@Nickasaurus Thanks
@Futurepilot1701 Not so hard. Basically there are limited things that you can do and its all around changing values in the code, not actualy doing any coding...
@FighterCrafter14 I could probably get 3 jets out of the one design!!! hehehe
@MrBackstabby Its ok becuase there is no parachute anyway!!!
@KevinMurphy Thank you :)