@joeysellers Not that i see, but i would like to see when u fly close to dust or water, it will spew around and stuff. I would also like to how many MPH, KPH And Knots u are going all at once. And the g-limits of ur plane, current g-s, and when their is to much u will know what will happen. But i would like to see some WW1 parts and some WW1 islands that have those balloon things with struts so if u fly into them u will get ripped apart. And lets go to battlefield one, theirs damage for planes, they can get broke, ripped and teared. So it would be cool if in the wing menu u can have the choice to choose the air frame, Wood, metal, or normal [Normal as classic SP wings] Then, you can choose the covering, normal, fabric, or some other things. Then add one more menu in it are some decals, Tigershark mouth and eyes, Luftwaffe chevrons and more, resize and then add them to ur plane. [Please have high quality decals] Oh, and u know how some planes have the painted prop edges? I would like to see multiple options, normal, two parallel rectangles, and some way to make the nose tip different color styles for ww2 planes like the Me-109. Also, stall warnings, and the ability to carry luggage or cargo [basically increase weight] I would like to see a button you can press which will start ur prop engine, it would have no trust, but look to be at 10 or so percent throttle, but until you increase throttle, you will not move. Thanks for listening...
@CL4TRP Its fine, its just i was his best friend more than anybody... He would spend hours talking and helping me, he was the most kind to me, Cause of him, i am gold and gives me much inspiration. Because i preserved one of his planes it keeps my spirit going and alive... Along with my planes.
@CL4TRP I have, he really did talk to me, i would post unlisted planes give him a link and we would sit there and talk, i knew i could take this farther and would be there for him as he was for me, he did not just upvote, he expressed his feelings and passion i have. And since i had his back, here i am, just trying to get him back... Not get so much hate. And i am really not whining. I am responding to ur comments based off the topic at hand and what u are saying to me.
My latest forum post, theirs some stuff going on, saying ''The proper wording is, Stampede screwed up'' from ''though''- a user that is giving hate to me, basically everyone else that commented is reminding things... So just interrogate ''though''
@CL4TRP @EvilTortoise @though I understand waht u are saying, but are not getting the point ''I care about him'' so big deal, i am just trying to help.
@EvilTortoise Yes u can, if a plane flys well and need more fuel u would put the fuel near the center of mass which is near the wings, fill up the wangs to much will result in spins and odd handling.
@though I did, and i understand. Personally, i was the closet to cooper so this is a big thang to me... And u are not useless, how do u think i started?
@Cedy117 us ur gravatar account to upload it.
Majestic, my frog would love it. Do u have a frog?
Add some rockets to replace the cannons then go to war with dat tahng.
@joeysellers Not that i see, but i would like to see when u fly close to dust or water, it will spew around and stuff. I would also like to how many MPH, KPH And Knots u are going all at once. And the g-limits of ur plane, current g-s, and when their is to much u will know what will happen. But i would like to see some WW1 parts and some WW1 islands that have those balloon things with struts so if u fly into them u will get ripped apart. And lets go to battlefield one, theirs damage for planes, they can get broke, ripped and teared. So it would be cool if in the wing menu u can have the choice to choose the air frame, Wood, metal, or normal [Normal as classic SP wings] Then, you can choose the covering, normal, fabric, or some other things. Then add one more menu in it are some decals, Tigershark mouth and eyes, Luftwaffe chevrons and more, resize and then add them to ur plane. [Please have high quality decals] Oh, and u know how some planes have the painted prop edges? I would like to see multiple options, normal, two parallel rectangles, and some way to make the nose tip different color styles for ww2 planes like the Me-109. Also, stall warnings, and the ability to carry luggage or cargo [basically increase weight] I would like to see a button you can press which will start ur prop engine, it would have no trust, but look to be at 10 or so percent throttle, but until you increase throttle, you will not move. Thanks for listening...
@jamesPLANESii No, flys fine before extra fuel.
@Eckosong she?
@KnightOfAraluen I will see, very complex...
@though ok
@ChiChiWerx thank you
@CL4TRP Its fine, its just i was his best friend more than anybody... He would spend hours talking and helping me, he was the most kind to me, Cause of him, i am gold and gives me much inspiration. Because i preserved one of his planes it keeps my spirit going and alive... Along with my planes.
@Tully2001 Yeah
@EvilTortoise Yes, i have been trying to say, ''i realize that now''
@CL4TRP I have, he really did talk to me, i would post unlisted planes give him a link and we would sit there and talk, i knew i could take this farther and would be there for him as he was for me, he did not just upvote, he expressed his feelings and passion i have. And since i had his back, here i am, just trying to get him back... Not get so much hate. And i am really not whining. I am responding to ur comments based off the topic at hand and what u are saying to me.
Yeah, look at my post ''Fellow youtubers''
I think u might like my planes based on this building style.
@CL4TRP Yes, i understand. I am just desperate, losing a best friend... Forever.
Great, so cool man. Wanna follower? To bad... U got one more!
My latest forum post, theirs some stuff going on, saying ''The proper wording is, Stampede screwed up'' from ''though''- a user that is giving hate to me, basically everyone else that commented is reminding things... So just interrogate ''though''
@KnightOfAraluen What else? Keep it in rhythm of my newest makes. xD
@OldColonel I did not get that, u deleted it early.
@KnightOfAraluen please forgive me...
@CL4TRP @EvilTortoise @though I understand waht u are saying, but are not getting the point ''I care about him'' so big deal, i am just trying to help.
@KnightOfAraluen I AM SO SORRY! I HIT 'REPORT' BY MISTAKE! omg i am so sorry...
yeah @AaronSonAirCrafts
@CL4TRP I did not realize that before.
@EvilTortoise I was exaggerating
@OldColonel What? Before tell me about u. I must know everything...
@OldColonel I would like to know about u know, i think after what u have been trough lately it might help cool down..
@OldColonel So, its ur account now?
@KnightOfAraluen @though I do understand what u guys are trying to say, its just this is kinda serious for me... Maybe not for u, but for me...
Oh and its not MiG, That is the kinda notes people about the series of the plane. You would say Mikoyan.
Like the photo, just like it!
@though I know but that what it feels like and he told me he left cause of da pressure/hate.
@EvilTortoise Yes u can, if a plane flys well and need more fuel u would put the fuel near the center of mass which is near the wings, fill up the wangs to much will result in spins and odd handling.
@GriffithAir i know but why? u want me to take action?
Why am i here?
@though I know, but this is like a family member dyeing...
Cooper told me before he left, he said because of the pressure and hate.
@though I did, and i understand. Personally, i was the closet to cooper so this is a big thang to me... And u are not useless, how do u think i started?
@KnightOfAraluen people say they regret bulling him...
@though Read it perhaps...
@Dredex i know
No upvotes for a reason... Very good try
@OldColonel Welcome but is ur old account gone? Can i have it?
@OldColonel What about ur account?
@OldColonel I do...
@MasterManufacturingCo He did, today about an hour ago near where the city he lived there was a car crash... 5 people died...
JK! No mean in disrespect
@OldColonel Thank u for all these upvotes, but what for? [P.S. Dont stap upvoting]
Better or same, ur makes are great!
@OldColonel please...