1,096 Star54ilor Comments

  • Auto-aim Inputs 17 days ago

    just one thing I'm dying to know, how can I set the 180 degree rotation code to set a motion limit of whatever number I please?

  • Himtadori Wuji 19 days ago

    lighting was horrible at yeager airport :v you may wanna download it and have a better look for yourself

  • USS Jumbo Shrimp 19 days ago

    @Dpickle1992 🦐 Lore

  • [CLOSED] 2D Pixel Art Challenge 19 days ago


  • naowalo.bmp 19 days ago

    too damn cute

  • The Ultimate RICE 19 days ago

    congregation 🍚

  • Plane Rework Challenge (OPEN) 19 days ago

    @Spaghetti76 ALRIGHT! you're on!

  • Plane Rework Challenge (OPEN) 19 days ago

    @Spaghetti76 ah, got it. so a complete rework from scratch wouldn't count. I was planning on doing that for my first post which was an attempted ultralight plane :v though I wanna gonna keep the main body's design and wings somewhat similar enough, I would just have the body be a lot more slick & smooth and also change the engine and tail position, is that acceptable? sorry for the confusion I'm a bit slow on challenges

    btw congrats on silver just now loool, what's gonna be your 1k special?

  • Plane Rework Challenge (OPEN) 19 days ago

    on it! so should I post the plane as a successor to this post or to the one I'm reworking?

  • ZE-20 19 days ago

    I can't see the screenshot. Though it's a website-related problem I think because I had all screenshots mysteriously dissapeared from my 2 of my latest builds

  • [HT-Skyline][GTR] 19 days ago

    the design is LOVELY, looks like something a mad mechanic would hastily craft in their garage to get going. in a good way ofc

  • fuel 19 days ago


  • HELP (auto-aim motion limit) 20 days ago

    @overlord5453 didn't work either, I uploaded the vehicle and here's the link: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/2xNu7Z/Fixer-Mk1-Traverse-Test

    honestly thanks a lot for staying with me on this painstaking task, I really appreciate it

  • HELP (auto-aim motion limit) 20 days ago

    @overlord5453 I appreciate the response! so I've tried bringing in the cockpit closer put it's not doing much unfortunately, it's an issue with the traverse rotator. it could be cause by the way I handled the code or configured the rotator so here are the settings:

    Input code: clamp(deltaangle(Heading,TargetHeading) / 6.1, -6.1, 6.1)
    Range of Motion: 10*

  • [CLOSED] 2D Pixel Art Challenge 21 days ago

    am I allowed to shamelessly copy online art pixel-for-pixel? :)

  • Minefield Brownies 22 days ago

    ig I'd better start doing this if I'm gonna be hoping to hit big lmao 😭

    yk what, I'd eat that if I was a plane. you should build a fat guy who runs on these as fuel, maybe have a piston pull the brownies from the bottom to visualize how much fuel is left too

  • Delta 25 days ago

    @TheFlyingDaggers47 any time bro, happy to help

  • Delta 25 days ago

    aye what's up? I fixed it for ya, have fun!

    sorry I'm not sure on how to post hyperlinks here lol

  • bee. 27 days ago

    holy shit it's the bee guy from spotify

  • Apple Pie 27 days ago

    @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore Pie.

  • My 1st Plane 10 months ago

    glad to see our community expanding, welcome to the team man!

  • wow it can fly 1.9 years ago

    Wow... it can fly

  • STOL Challenge 2.0 years ago

    VTOL type planes obviously aren't allowed right?

  • The Pitch N' Ditch 2.1 years ago

    Flies horribly, I love it

  • (Canceled) Simple Cars Challenge 2.1 years ago

    Bro almost forgor about the rules 💀

  • Why is it so hard to detonate a bomb? 2.1 years ago

    I'm really glad I came across this post, I've been facing the same problem for days now

  • Minecraft Fighter jet 2.1 years ago


  • DIY 50-Part Plane 2.1 years ago

    @ThatOneRoadTrainBuilder19 lmao

  • I Got Hurt , Details in description 2.1 years ago

    @Zaineman No problem bro, Also wow I wasn't excepting a reply that quickly lol

  • I Got Hurt , Details in description 2.1 years ago

    Sorry to hear that man, Wishing you a speedy recovery! Also happy birthday! Not the nicest early gift from Mr. whiskers to be handing out to someone on his birthday.

  • Multi-Purpose Burst Missile 2.1 years ago

    The detail on this is thing is amazing, but just one question, how did you get it to not just wobble around? that's what always happens when I try making a custom missile

  • AIRLIFT CHALLENGE [CLOSED] 2.2 years ago

    Does It need to have something like a bay door?

  • [SOLVED] Problem with small rotators 2.2 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 The tip works. Thank you so so much!

  • Mazmot 2.2 years ago

    I'd love to know how you managed to make it turn around so smoothly

  • Fighter Jet 2.2 years ago

    For any Vr players out there, does the joystick to your left actually work as a throttle? If it doesn't tell me and I'll see if I can fix it.

  • MY FIRST PLANE EVER 2.3 years ago

    That's really really good for a first plane actually! when I made my first plane it would just wobble around and it would have a severe lack of maneuverability

  • Funky Trees! 2.4 years ago

    So I have this sort of car that has a jet engine that turns on when you pitch (Press "W") for an extra boost, but the thing is that when I pitch in the opposite way(Press "S"), (use reverse on the car) the jet engine still turns on, not allowing me to use reverse on the car. So I'm just wondering whether I could only allow my jet engine to activate when I pitch forward (Press "W") only and not if I pitch backwards (Again, Press "S")

  • Interceptor Mk1 2.5 years ago

    @Liquidfox01 Yeah, I'm pretty sure the battle bay devs are either walking corpses or there aren't even any to begin with. But hey, who cares? We've got simpleplanes!

  • Thing that flies (read description) 2.5 years ago

    @Henobro262830 Thanks! I've been around for a long while but building detailed stuff isn't really my thing, so I thought I'd post something simple instead. Glad you liked it!

  • P-37 Attacker/Fighter Aircraft 2.5 years ago

    I just love it, It's simple and super fun to play with.

  • Thing that flies (read description) 2.5 years ago

    @Henobro262830 Done! Sorry about that, It's my first ever upload

  • Thing that flies (read description) 2.5 years ago

    Btw ignore the plane's actual name if you try to save it, that was originally what I was planning to do and I forgot to change it's name.