Thx! And this version will fly from Wright Isles to Snowstone and back again - built as a utility I needed to takeoff anywhere, land on very strategic spots of Jundroo water to attack ships, and enter the under-mountain docks at Snowstone. @ProvingMars
Thanks, @AfterShock I remain in the belief that flight models should actually fly. I've been a community member long enough to discover that way over half all up votes are based on "awesomeness" of the shape & paint of any post. Downloads and tests seem to be optional for some members.
Thanks, @SimpleFlow
@XjayIndustrys Please test it, hope you like it's aero behavior.
Thanks, @XjayIndustrys
Separate Ag 3 above 400,000 feet. Works great!
Nice stability!
@doge @AndrewGarrison correct, V 1.6 is not on Google's GooglePlay.
These new features are on GooglePlay? My recent download did not have the 3 new features.
Thanks, @starlight35
Thank you, @FennVectorCWA
AG=1 just to take off, really. Nice!
Well done!
Thanks, @PlanesAndThings2
Thanks, @grizzlitn
Thanks, @ThiccBloke
Thanks, @PlanesAndThings2 NOTE: this may be used to swim onto the Jundroo USS Beast carrier, a "Discovered Location".
Thanks, @SZTM
@GuyWithAwesomePlanes Borrow a fuel tank from the torpedoes, they are infinite fuel. They were not needed in the boat design.
Thanks, @destroyerP
Thanks, @phanps
@GuyWithAwesomePlanes About 100,000+ gallons.
@MASB29 Thx, yes 2 destroyers and one Carrier easily targets.
Thanks! @BrianAircraftsNew
@Patrick20206 here's the update w/corrected paint detail. Enjoy.
Thx! And this version will fly from Wright Isles to Snowstone and back again - built as a utility I needed to takeoff anywhere, land on very strategic spots of Jundroo water to attack ships, and enter the under-mountain docks at Snowstone. @ProvingMars
Thanks, @destroyerP
USS Tiny and USS Jundroo will sink with a 500 lb bomb impact. These corps have 500 lb Jundroo warheads. @AquaDynamixxt
Thank you! @hopotumon
Fun to fly!
Thanks! @BrianAircraftsNew
Thx! I had 2nd thoughts after posting, further testing proved the mid-jet unnecessary it just adds color. @TheLatentImage
Roll & pitch like any flying model; use Trim for a level ship. @Bobieo64
Thanks! @AceOfSpade
Explain where to discover Featherfall Squall, please.
Thanks! @Kerbango
Thanks! @EternalDarkness
@hopotumon Yes, just checked. Shouldn't AG=1 work with missiles in Phase II under AI? Why AG=3 for Phase III?
Thanks! @hopotumon
Thanks! @Delphinidae
Great balance, good flying!
Thanks, @FlyingFanatic
Thanks, @AfterShock I remain in the belief that flight models should actually fly. I've been a community member long enough to discover that way over half all up votes are based on "awesomeness" of the shape & paint of any post. Downloads and tests seem to be optional for some members.
Thanks, @Delphinidae
Thanks, @zgushenka
Thx, this build is peculiar - it flys at different top speeds evertime I launch it. @saturn28
I'm postung a fix.
Nice simple build, flys well!
Thank you, @grizzlitn
Thank you, @hopotumon