2,195 Stove Comments

  • Plane 2 months ago

    so skibidi

  • Not so eco friendly Cybertruck 2 months ago


  • AMERICAN AWARD! 2 months ago

    mmmm sodah

  • [APPLE] Chomped Apple 2 months ago

    oh hey look its that linucks bird thing
    the penguinos
    the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    tugs i think is what he is name

  • clampwing hits a skyroad circut starbit and fricking dies 2 months ago

    oh my god thats so violent!!!!

  • I’m bad at taking screenshots 2 months ago

    take screenshot them use it as a blueprint and take the screenshot in the uploading thing

  • SS.Autism 2 months ago


  • [PEA]Incom/SPC Z-95 Headhunter 2 months ago

    @Rjenteissussy explain

  • Bob 2 months ago

    dis has nothing difrent from organal

  • mobile mouse with big gun 2 months ago

    @TheMouse when will mine and that other person's moce get added?

  • Andrew garrison 3 months ago

    it kinda looks like pepe da frog, lol

  • funny thing 3 months ago

    @Omoriboy uh huh

  • mouse with machine gun (with tail) 3 months ago

    @TheMouse ):
    my masterpiece doesn't but this guys blob does

  • I'm hungry. 3 months ago

    @BYardley kinda crunchy, you sure that's food?

  • Teaser | Corsar 3 months ago

    @TheMouse not german

  • rat 3 months ago

    @TheMouse he wasn't killed, he's alive and sitting there
    He wasn't myorized he does fun stuff

  • rat 3 months ago

    @TheMouse think again

  • Testin' 3 months ago

    use ![text](image address here)

  • A Special Announcement… 3 months ago

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Aircraft name="Turkey" url="" theme="Default" size="1.999999,2,1.25" boundsMin="-0.9999995,0.7333565,-0.5000002" xmlVersion="7" legacyJointIdentification="false" clientVersion="">
    <Variables />
    <Part id="1" partType="Cockpit-1" position="2.842171E-14,2.483356,0" rotation="0,0,0" drag="0.0008,0.0008,0.133,0.133,0.131,0.131" materials="7,0" partCollisionResponse="Default">
    <Cockpit.State primaryCockpit="True" lookBackTranslation="0,0" cockpitAudio="false">
    <Variables />
    <Part id="4" partType="Fuselage-Body-1" position="0,1.733356,0.25" rotation="0,0,0" drag="3.281999,3.281999,1.605682,1.605682,1.634323,1.634321" materials="0" partCollisionResponse="Default">
    <FuelTank.State fuel="0" capacity="0" />
    <Fuselage.State version="2" frontScale="4,4" rearScale="4,4" offset="0,0,2" deadWeight="0" buoyancy="0" fuelPercentage="0" smoothFront="False" smoothBack="False" fillCutFace="true" autoSizeOnConnected="false" cornerTypes="3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3" />
    <Connection partA="4" partB="1" attachPointsA="3" attachPointsB="1" />
    <Body partIds="1,4" position="0,0,0" rotation="0,0,0" velocity="0,0,0" angularVelocity="0,0,0" />
    <Theme name="Custom">
    <Material color="000000" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" e="0" hidden="true" />
    <Material color="FFFFFF" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" e="0" hidden="true" />
    <Material color="000000" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" e="0" hidden="true" />
    <Material color="D0D0D0" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" e="0" hidden="true" />
    <Material color="E9E9E9" r="0.25" m="0.5" s="0.7" e="0" />
    <Material color="000000" r="0.5" m="0.5" s="0.83" e="0" />
    <Material color="001F7F" r="0.5" m="0.5" s="0.83" e="0" />
    <Material color="AA2A00" r="0.25" m="0.5" s="0.7" e="0" />
    <Material color="3F3F3F" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" e="0" />
    <Material color="5C0000" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" e="0" />
    <Material color="FFFFFF" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" e="0" />
    <Material color="FFF0F0" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" e="0" />
    <Material color="FF0F0F" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" e="0" />
    <Material color="AAAAAA" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" e="0" />
    <Material color="3F3F3F" r="0.25" m="0.5" s="0.7" e="0" />
    <Material color="ABABAB" r="0" m="0.65" s="0.08" e="0" />
    <Material color="446677

    just a file i found. not much special there, most likley unfinished

  • rat 3 months ago

    is this you or your distant cousin
    download and firdn r]0ougm8tws9i rmooP-244444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444442fart

  • PLANE 3 months ago


  • PLANE 3 months ago


  • Thats not how its supposed to work! 3 months ago

    @TheMouse here

  • Blank SimplePlanes Log 3 months ago

    I've been looking for this
    Time to fire up the pain 3d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • simplestupid name change 3 months ago

    @LunarEclipseSP I don't have the spell bookyet
    I'm gonna head to the retirement home that wizard went to!

  • Thats not how its supposed to work! 3 months ago

    @TheMouse that's because you made this!!!!

  • How to make custom rims 3 months ago

    @TheMouse keeps removing stuff on accedent
    Are you eating them?

  • where do i find this on the website 3 months ago

    @Omoriboy - Snoop bird

  • How do you pronounce Plymouth? 3 months ago

    @TalonTheCRTguy grainjy

  • IS THIS NORMAL. 3 months ago

    @Omoriboy cockhole doodle poo

  • IS THIS NORMAL. 3 months ago

    @SuperSuperTheSylph cockle doodle doo

  • goad 3 months ago

    @TheMouse why need road blogs chit filterd?

  • goad 3 months ago

    @Omoriboy goat

  • On New Players 3 months ago

    if you have ebola ------------👇 (i funging misaimed, didnt i?)

  • GOOD MORNING VEITNAM 3 months ago

    vieatneamize man

  • It's a... submarine? 3 months ago

    its a canoe dingy thign idk

  • Double Yoshi Exploshi 3 months ago

    i wish dinosaurs were real

  • How to host an image via the simple planes website. (Using pictures hosted by the simple planes website) 3 months ago

    @TheMouse you have a machinegun i have a wizar wand without a spellbook

  • Propeller man! 3 months ago

    oh my god this is genious

  • Graingy Survey: Which is the Bigger War Silly? 3 months ago

    canallian cheddar gatekeeper

  • i witsh planes were real 3 months ago

    @Graingy me verse?
    just likam tad bloke from wiiverse i also wish many things aweqew reals

  • Where is my shrek 1 full movie on label part? 3 months ago

    @32 binterbet barchive

  • I give up. 3 months ago

    Dont be like that, You TrashCan do it!

  • minigun 3 months ago

    @LunarEclipseSP thanks for telling him where his machie gnun is, i hope he will lik having it back

  • yummuy 4 months ago

    @HanakoSan i called the hospital and they are gonna pump my stohmach like the dog in diarah of a wim,py shid

  • yummuy 4 months ago

    @AnotherRB dont you have a main account

  • hal labratory dog eggs 4 months ago

    @HanakoSan nerdoid

  • hal labratory dog eggs 4 months ago

    so whaddya tink bout dis?
