2,195 Stove Comments

  • [Teaser...?] Rejected Liability 4 months ago

    hello mr grain, i wanna know how youre feeling this day

  • big log 4 months ago

    @Graingy ):
    im gonna ask you somewhere else if you keep doing this to me ):

  • moss with macking gun AI generates imags 4 months ago

    @Theguywhohasamachinegun he had a big poopy

  • The uss beast is sick! 4 months ago

    @TheMouse its growing even more than normal now!

  • The uss beast is sick! 4 months ago

    @TheMouse why is your nose growing?

  • big log 4 months ago

    @Graingy ):
    i just wananana a know how tou werwqe fekling

  • The uss beast is sick! 4 months ago

    @TheMouse it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • The uss beast is sick! 4 months ago

    @TheMouse yes it was
    you just erased it from your memory

  • big log 4 months ago

    @Graingy I JUST WANNA KNOW HOW YOURE FEELING ): ): ): ):

  • found a new drink called "Deisel" 4 months ago

    @AnotherRB NO

  • The uss beast is sick! 4 months ago

    @TheMouse i dunno, it seemed best to me here

  • found a new drink called "Deisel" 4 months ago

    @AnotherRB buddy doesnt have enough points for hyperlink
    thats a frickn crypto company

  • found a new drink called "Deisel" 4 months ago

    @Dragoranos ):

  • The uss beast is sick! 4 months ago

    @TheMouse you didnt look at that video?

  • found a new drink called "Deisel" 4 months ago

    @theNoobCountry2 oyo????

  • found a new drink called "Deisel" 4 months ago

    @Eggplant yes but they wont let me on the airport tarmac anymore

  • big log 4 months ago

    @Graingy please, i just want to know how your feeling......

  • XML Bomb 4 months ago

    @Graingy no]'a'f v\safspgoxj;chbiluzcnivogb98g;hb;gh jjjcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccckmmkk,uhkj,k.l/.;
    sorry i fell on the keyboar

  • big log 4 months ago

    @Graingy ):

  • big log 4 months ago

    @Graingy i just wanted to know how you ere feeling!
    i wanted to know how you were doing

  • XML Bomb 4 months ago

    @Graingy no
    just reab my name

  • XML Bomb 4 months ago

    @Graingy yes there is
    do you want a 2452423532423432i4751o46734o5257495723587396745376497tyg49ebnh v7dgjfmrtnhjb95j09476837489679068709369277457305790384703758 jillion sexabyte zip bomb in achromebooa sentrf do your oloacion

  • big log 4 months ago

    @Graingy )';
    i just wanted to know how you were feeling

  • big log 4 months ago

    @Graingy ): i jsu wanted to know whow you were doing

  • big log 4 months ago

    hello grain, hows youre day?

  • Kicking Fish blockbuilt 4 months ago

    @DatFiat126Guy19 widnows fone

  • Roblox account banned (Reuploaded) 4 months ago

    @DELTAa330 no
    plz stop ass king for gub gopes

  • moss with macking gun AI generates imags 4 months ago

    @theNoobCountry2 obviohysly

  • Roblox account banned 4 months ago

    @DELTAa330 holy frick thats such a violent crash RP, you shouldve been banned for that and not the swearing

  • Roblox account banned 4 months ago

    why would y1ou say a swear word on roblox

  • SimplePlanes 2 FAQ 4 months ago

    @Spacedoge12345plane elllo

  • dragons paw II (nms spaceship) 4 months ago

    700th upvoter on SP2 trailer

  • SimplePlanes 2 FAQ 4 months ago

    @Ashdenpaw1 Due to how horrible mobile looks already, it will look like absolute doggy shart on a phone, its not supposed to look like a N64 game

  • SPAM WATERMELON 4 months ago

    i want to vomito

  • Reply a without looking at what you're typing! 4 months ago

    hi grain, how are you today? watch out for the sandstorms, ther emay be flying sand (such as youo

  • [TEASER] British Lookin 4 months ago


  • Damn, it feels good to be back! 4 months ago

    you are probaly only getting caffine and positive energy every 4 or more years

  • D 21 A 4 months ago

    you removed 2 engines

  • i found my "evil twin" 4 months ago

    @ComplexSmart now you just need the correct profile picture

  • HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 4 months ago

    your the 600th upvote on the SP2 trailer

  • plane i found in a dumpster bin next to an airplane factory 4 months ago

    @Christiant2 you mean the 12 year old british kid who made an account here named droopy?
    im only assuming hes 12, from that image

  • hugh neutron 4 months ago

    @Graingy The lord is good?

  • Bad romance 4 months ago

    what was i mentioned here for

  • I am (not) speed. 4 months ago


  • Bad romance 4 months ago

    @Experiment30 poop

  • Rocket 4 months ago

    @EnglishGarden shingle garten uploaded but only 2 upbotes


  • hugh neutron 4 months ago

    @TheMouse its an announcement because im announcing that hugh neutron burped

  • PUMPKIN SPICE IS A LIE 4 months ago

    meg griffin