What he is talking about is harder because it isn’t a defined piece that just snaps in, but more like a variable surface that can be molded to the shape of the two pieces it’s supposed to fuse together. @BogdanX
So basically a fillet tool. That would definitly be useful, but hard to implement. Getting the simple geometry used in simple planes to follow splines and snap to surfaces is difficult...
I do remember you!
Always have loved your ships man. Keep it up!!
Np! @jamesPLANESii
Really nice! Interior seems so realistic and spacious
Can I join?
Thanks! @shipster
Ahh I see @shipster
I’ve made one! No cockpit tho, but probably one of the best on the site in terms of looks.
Np @EternalDarkness
Beautiful! Love the yellow
Oh cool! @EternalDarkness
You should add a float version!
Beautiful! Love the design. Kinda wish it were a real plane :)
Cool! @Jonaheddleman
:D @Rugpeersdude
Super cool!
Just noticed you are nearly 200k!!
Suspenion especially in the rear is amazing. Follow the coutures of the road insanely well
Btw just noticed that the back wheels are closer together than the front. Is that purposeful?
Looking great!
Incredible suspesion! Had so much fun driving this around
Lol @Jonaheddleman
Seriously impressive
This needs a lot more attention. That landing gear!!!!
:) @Hyperloop
This thing is incredibly cool. You are such a great designer, and I’ve always loved your stuff since I started playing. Congrats!
Lol @BaconEggs
The flame thrower is insane!!!!
Np! @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing
Np @kerothehero
Be careful! Dont’ accidentally Click it
This is mind blowing l’y accurate
Something with copyright@CRJ900Pilot
Awesome!! btw, you should change the name fast because the last hondajet got taken down
Seriously awesome
This is seriously one of the coolest things I’ve flown in sp
Hmm, maybe. If it’s predefined, then yeah no problem. @EternalDarkness
What he is talking about is harder because it isn’t a defined piece that just snaps in, but more like a variable surface that can be molded to the shape of the two pieces it’s supposed to fuse together. @BogdanX
So basically a fillet tool. That would definitly be useful, but hard to implement. Getting the simple geometry used in simple planes to follow splines and snap to surfaces is difficult...
Holy moly
Np! @grizzlitn
Excellent! Pretty accurate and love the work out into it!
Very nice model!
Np! @realluochen9999
:D @Hyperloop