How does a game about planes correspond into "The owners are a older couple. But they have a young grandson that they have to take care of. But they don't give him love. And he has a very bad personality. Like one time he had a tantrum and kicked all the chairs down for the food tent! Please pray for this kid to have a better life than he does now"
Amazing mine is better
This always happens to me
That's why you save it
Damn get better
Kind of I guess it's of no harm though @Djbanana
I only leave 1 blank comment I never spam unless they spam me @Djbanana
Could you give me a link? @TehNewDucky
My name keeps getting stolen :/
True though
Phew I thought it was another one of those useless rant talking about nonproblems lol
Congratulations you just failed at being sarcastic ... @Bronzewing252
Hmmm @JDM
Don't you dare self promote you'reself on my forum post @Bronzewing252
He was talking about hacking him I think @Jetspeed1001
You realize he's probably 8? @Jetspeed1001
... @Suburb
Nhhhnhnbgfvtffcdsxdcfvji,imimhngcdeswswaqafvgnhjiil,l,kmjhnbfrdewsaqttqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm,.,kkhtdewqqqwrrtyuiiooplkjhggrffrdeddeffbyhyjumjmungbtfvvhnismmd,di exists,I,was medic,edict fi,then,nmgmijrjhnshanabatabhehjfkvikbiykhiyjgundjmsjImjiaqmokws,Coker,go,honey,bmjfdjmedmjedcmjrfv,b,upon,ju,ni,book,Fuijhffbjkmwjimjidmendendhendhndehedjujuejuekiskieldoldok,ejmfjcmfrmefjcmsmejsmwjamjwmjwmjswmsjemdeHhjjudumemdjes,samwis,is's,wo,aka,so,was,Keri,e,die,die,di,di,died,,did,kid,dijmddmjdmjcmrudnrdjijrdjmjdidmdmjks,did,jekdemis,Eisner,is,d,kfcmifkfiffor
Death threats now huh?
@Seeras he's been spamming forum posts such as these
Jelly is a god to you people it seems smh
Moderators please remove this player he's likely below the age of 10
It means it concerns sp modding ...
I challenge you to improve my steam engine design
How does a game about planes correspond into "The owners are a older couple. But they have a young grandson that they have to take care of. But they don't give him love. And he has a very bad personality. Like one time he had a tantrum and kicked all the chairs down for the food tent! Please pray for this kid to have a better life than he does now"
This isn't social media there is no reason you should post this here I feel sorry for him but it does not belong here
Good luck
He likes to boast about his 2 members lol @foxythegamer12
I accidentally removed my upvote :/
You realize I only get 1 notification from each time you spam me? @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch