Avoiding several bans to continue insulting a user by creating several alts failing to comply with the mods and because she had been banned in the past for things like this the mods just decided to make it final @MrSilverWolf
How does a game about planes correspond into "The owners are a older couple. But they have a young grandson that they have to take care of. But they don't give him love. And he has a very bad personality. Like one time he had a tantrum and kicked all the chairs down for the food tent! Please pray for this kid to have a better life than he does now"
Hello duck brethren @ConnorTheDuck
Avoiding several bans to continue insulting a user by creating several alts failing to comply with the mods and because she had been banned in the past for things like this the mods just decided to make it final @MrSilverWolf
IP ban
Amazing mine is better
This always happens to me
That's why you save it
Damn get better
Kind of I guess it's of no harm though @Djbanana
I only leave 1 blank comment I never spam unless they spam me @Djbanana
Could you give me a link? @TehNewDucky
My name keeps getting stolen :/
True though
Phew I thought it was another one of those useless rant talking about nonproblems lol
Congratulations you just failed at being sarcastic ... @Bronzewing252
Hmmm @JDM
Don't you dare self promote you'reself on my forum post @Bronzewing252
He was talking about hacking him I think @Jetspeed1001
You realize he's probably 8? @Jetspeed1001
... @Suburb
Nhhhnhnbgfvtffcdsxdcfvji,imimhngcdeswswaqafvgnhjiil,l,kmjhnbfrdewsaqttqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm,.,kkhtdewqqqwrrtyuiiooplkjhggrffrdeddeffbyhyjumjmungbtfvvhnismmd,di exists,I,was medic,edict fi,then,nmgmijrjhnshanabatabhehjfkvikbiykhiyjgundjmsjImjiaqmokws,Coker,go,honey,bmjfdjmedmjedcmjrfv,b,upon,ju,ni,book,Fuijhffbjkmwjimjidmendendhendhndehedjujuejuekiskieldoldok,ejmfjcmfrmefjcmsmejsmwjamjwmjwmjswmsjemdeHhjjudumemdjes,samwis,is's,wo,aka,so,was,Keri,e,die,die,di,di,died,,did,kid,dijmddmjdmjcmrudnrdjijrdjmjdidmdmjks,did,jekdemis,Eisner,is soloists.le.sl.ls.oss.ssdd,d,kfcmifkfiffor
Death threats now huh?
@Seeras he's been spamming forum posts such as these
Jelly is a god to you people it seems smh
Moderators please remove this player he's likely below the age of 10
It means it concerns sp modding ...
I challenge you to improve my steam engine design
How does a game about planes correspond into "The owners are a older couple. But they have a young grandson that they have to take care of. But they don't give him love. And he has a very bad personality. Like one time he had a tantrum and kicked all the chairs down for the food tent! Please pray for this kid to have a better life than he does now"
This isn't social media there is no reason you should post this here I feel sorry for him but it does not belong here
Good luck
He likes to boast about his 2 members lol @foxythegamer12
I accidentally removed my upvote :/
You realize I only get 1 notification from each time you spam me? @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch
@SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch @SimpleTechAndResearch