I could upload it but now that they mad the new 5 planes per day rule I can't I already uploaded all of the other 5 drag races, you should check them out@Nightraider
Thanks I will have different races posted soon but I can't right now because I have already posted 5 planes today. I have 4 other races to post and the last one if with all 4 of the race cars@Nickasaurusrex
Are you trying to copy my drag race idea?
I am finally at silver!@Nickasaurusrex
I have alreadtpy did that, I have the rules in my first drag race that I posted yesterday@Exumer
You are entered@Stingray
Don't worry I made it so it works@Nickasaurusrex
I just made the race and I will post it when I can
I will use it and post it later
Tell me when you are done @Nickasaurusrex
Fix your car delete this post and repost it with the new car@Nickasaurusrex
That's cheating if you us other cars fuel because it makes your car faster @Nickasaurusrex
You don't have any fuel@Nickasaurusrex
Not telling@Nickasaurusrex
Did you watch all the drag races?@srduval
No you can make a mother one but your old submit ion will be replaced@srduval
I could upload it but now that they mad the new 5 planes per day rule I can't I already uploaded all of the other 5 drag races, you should check them out@Nightraider
It is a good race@Nightraider
I started this first
You have a good racer@Nightraider
Ok read the direction on the first drag race@carter2
i will tell you when I do
Ok I will make a race and upload it as soon as I can
A car for the race?@carter2
What do you mean?@carter2
This is really fun
Are you gonna do my drag race contests? You can find the directions in the first drag race discription@PlanesOfOld
Make a drag car for my drag race contests, the directions are in the first drag rave@Lol266
Lol you had to point it out@PlanesOfOld
Check it out and tell me when your plane is done so I can't get the race ready@Th3Champ
Check out my hover craft it is hard to fly to
I posted the 4th race@Nickasaurusrex
I just downloaded the 2nd one and I had already downloaded that one so I deleted it and downloaded the 3rd one@Nickasaurusrex
Tell me when it is done@Nickasaurusrex
You are entered
No vtol it says all of the engine classes in the description and I will show you the fastest car when you upload your car@Nickasaurusrex
No modding and you can only pick one engine class like 2 mediam engines or three small engines and stuff like that@Nickasaurusrex
I changed the description on the drag race look at it and it will explained how you can race my fastest car and I will submit it to@Nickasaurusrex
Thanks I will have different races posted soon but I can't right now because I have already posted 5 planes today. I have 4 other races to post and the last one if with all 4 of the race cars@Nickasaurusrex
I just made different cars and put them in my sub assemblies @Nickasaurusrex
I haut made different cars and put them in my sub assemblies @Nickasaurusrex
If you want to make a better bomber check out my scatter bomb plane
I added color to them to make it easier to know where they are@Nickasaurusrex
I mean yet not type
Check out my drag race! I have 4 more drag races but I can't submit them types I will later
Look at my drag race submittion@ksavage
What does beta do?
Ok good@Exumer
Wait a second!!! Did you mod anything on this plane?