@RedFox65 but beware... if you go for an aleron roll, the plane will instead do a inverse barrel roll, unless you use joystick, I think you can figure it out but dont be afraid to ask for help! :3
@ReinMcDeer Well... okay I shouldn't lie, its more of a request, (if your up for it) can you build the Mitsubishi X-2 Shinshin? My reasoning is that i haven't found a particularly good one in this site
Really though I never expected to hit bronze in less than a week so thank you all for being so inviting ;3
@RedFox65 whatever happens, at least itll help with coverage (yay more inviting people :D)
@RedFox65 but beware... if you go for an aleron roll, the plane will instead do a inverse barrel roll, unless you use joystick, I think you can figure it out but dont be afraid to ask for help! :3
@RedFox65 :O yes! :D
@Inuyasha8215 thx honestly tho, the real credit should be towards ReinMcDeer, hes the one who made the plane that was used to make this.
@TriStar101 U rite
@GuyFolk XD
Galm 2(Cipher): frightened silence
@TriStar101 this is probably a dumb question, but.. how should I account for copyright? (If I plan on using music in my vids)
@TriStar101 thanks, idk man some things just dont appear obvious to me
Oh how I wish liveries didn't have to be individual parts ;-;
@TriStar101 lol "yeah, I guess your right"
A-10E, "I'm not bootleg I'm just... built different! ;///^///;"
@TriStar101 also, does that account for GIF's? (Can you put gifs on your page?)
@ReinMcDeer lol hell of a battle though!
Tbh if you can... it's better if you add both
@ThatKindaWeeb also, if theres any unspoken knowledge that I should know tell me about it
@TriStar101 lol good to know
@ChrisPy do I just put the link in?
@GuyFolk "yo buddy, still alive?"
@UsualPiooneer again thank you
@UsualPiooneer now that's helpful, thanks.
One more thing. How do you put screenshots on your accounts front page (are GIF's even possible?)
More specifically, I'm looking for knowledge pertaining to... just what makes a generic account look professional
Ok I have to now lol
@2 ikr lol (I dunno how to put down extra screenshots ;-;)
Oh to anyone who downloads this, I uhh... kinda messed up the airbrakes and accidentally made them jank so... sorry ;-;
@Bobbytre123 thx :3
If anyone could give me Extensive Training mabye I could actually make my own planes for once...
@ReinMcDeer I guess (non diss-ingly) all I can do is hope. (if I seem cautious I literally just made this account lol)
@Sorry if i just became an inconvenience to you. (I didn't mean too)
@ThatKindaWeeb not only that but I really want to see a Japanese fighter in your style
@ReinMcDeer Well... okay I shouldn't lie, its more of a request, (if your up for it) can you build the Mitsubishi X-2 Shinshin? My reasoning is that i haven't found a particularly good one in this site
I have a question (if you care Rein)