Thank you @USSR
Thank you @tsampoy
@TrueSlav more small wing please
@TrueSlav well done komrade
@TrueSlav now open and create your own accout,p
@TrueSlav done ?
And copy this link when download done@TrueSlav
@TrueSlav yes
And we can contact more easy@TrueSlav
@TrueSlav download it please
@TrueSlav and are you have discord ?
@TrueSlav even sucessor
@TrueSlav yes,all,xml are allown
@PhilipTarpley your plane got bug
@TrueSlav thank
@TrueSlav copy that link
@TrueSlav Soviet Government,pretty hard to find in youtube
@TrueSlav 1 month left to end the challange
@TrueSlav yes,just join if you want
@TrueSlav ok lol
@TrueSlav about 10-20 kmh
@TrueSlav ok,remember,KV is very slow,make it history accurect ok? (Sorry for bad english)
@TrueSlav um............simple KV 2
@TrueSlav the..........winter skin and the star also
@TrueSlav ok
@USSR i tagged you
@TrueSlav need backward control,and a nice skin
@TAplane make the backgear go up
@Trainzo thank
@TheGuyYouMightKnow @jamesPLANESii @Jetpackturtle @iLikeipads i will report him
@ASDFASDF1 i gonna make early warner version
@Trainzo ok
@ASDFASDF1 i was cancel the mk 13
@ASDFASDF1 finally i done my heavy bomber project
@Trainzo thank,i hope you can make a tu 22m3
@Trainzo and yes thank for realistic first generation tu 22
@Sahirsingh hm....dead line
@Trainzo and nice to meet you sir,im only 10
@Trainzo oh i forgot,1-2 Ag for active boost
@Trainzo seem this plane dont good in take off
@USSR i heard you play wing of duty,let's be friend
@USSR hello
@Sahirsingh seem your design prettycrappy
Thank you @USSR
Thank you @tsampoy
@TrueSlav more small wing please
@TrueSlav well done komrade
+1@TrueSlav now open and create your own accout,p
@TrueSlav done ?
And copy this link when download done@TrueSlav
@TrueSlav yes
And we can contact more easy@TrueSlav
@TrueSlav download it please
@TrueSlav and are you have discord ?
@TrueSlav even sucessor
+1@TrueSlav yes,all,xml are allown
@PhilipTarpley your plane got bug
@TrueSlav thank
@TrueSlav copy that link
@TrueSlav Soviet Government,pretty hard to find in youtube
@TrueSlav 1 month left to end the challange
@TrueSlav yes,just join if you want
@TrueSlav ok lol
@TrueSlav yes
@TrueSlav about 10-20 kmh
@TrueSlav ok,remember,KV is very slow,make it history accurect ok? (Sorry for bad english)
+1@TrueSlav um............simple KV 2
@TrueSlav the..........winter skin and the star also
@TrueSlav ok
+1@USSR i tagged you
+1@TrueSlav need backward control,and a nice skin
+1@TAplane make the backgear go up
@Trainzo thank
@TheGuyYouMightKnow @jamesPLANESii @Jetpackturtle @iLikeipads i will report him
@ASDFASDF1 i gonna make early warner version
+1@Trainzo ok
@ASDFASDF1 i was cancel the mk 13
+1@ASDFASDF1 finally i done my heavy bomber project
+1@Trainzo thank
@Trainzo thank,i hope you can make a tu 22m3
@Trainzo and yes thank for realistic first generation tu 22
@Sahirsingh hm....dead line
@Trainzo and nice to meet you sir,im only 10
@Trainzo oh i forgot,1-2 Ag for active boost
@Trainzo seem this plane dont good in take off
@USSR i heard you play wing of duty,let's be friend
@USSR hello
@Sahirsingh seem your design prettycrappy