392 ThePopeOfTexas Comments

  • Ghostly aurora 7.6 years ago

    @Ricky915 great! Thanks.

  • You have uploaded too many planes today. Please wait untill tommorow to upload a new plane. 7.6 years ago

    @helilover03 thank you!!! @LowDetail I really appreciate the compliments! Yes, we are quite similar :)

  • You have uploaded too many planes today. Please wait untill tommorow to upload a new plane. 7.6 years ago

    @LowDetail hypnotoad shouldnt be your goal. Sure, he is one of... If not the most successful hypo plane maker ever. But just because that's true, doesnt mean no one can't replace or surpass him. Your own style should be the thing you focus on.

  • You have uploaded too many planes today. Please wait untill tommorow to upload a new plane. 7.6 years ago

    @LowDetail that's not true at all! Some of your wing designs are pretty remarkable... Just keep working at it!

  • Ghostly aurora 7.6 years ago

    Thanks @ricky915 was the pitch ok on your device?

  • Ghostly aurora 7.6 years ago

    Thanks @railfanethan

  • phaeton 7.6 years ago

    Wow!!! Very impressive vtol!

  • Raytheon CT-156 Harvard II 7.6 years ago

    My grand-father used to be a pilot for Raytheon. Before that he served in the US air force. Thank you for making this.

  • Why Hypno planes are OP 7.6 years ago

    I'm sorry? Sure, hypo planes typically take less time than high-detail replicas yes. But the true ones, the ones I draw inspiration from like hypo himself and unknown vectors... They are simply amazing and take more time than you give credit for.

    Hypno planes test the boundaries of the physics engine and allow more to be done with less. There may be some hypo planes out there that are lack luster... Clears throat*... But I feel judging all of them this way isn't fair to those that do their best.

  • You have uploaded too many planes today. Please wait untill tommorow to upload a new plane. 7.6 years ago

    @mushr0om I dont believe it resets at midnight.

  • You have uploaded too many planes today. Please wait untill tommorow to upload a new plane. 7.6 years ago

    Its cool down is a 24 hour period with a limit of 5 planes. Honestly if you upload that many you are doing something wrong. Quality over quantity!!!

  • 3 Followers Special :) 7.6 years ago

    Nice fly, good use of dihedral wings. Would be nice if this smaller plane didnt fly like it was much larger if you know what I mean.

  • Poll: Which Type of Hull? 7.6 years ago

    I like the top one but only because it looks like it would be more hydrodynamic. Use the one you like though, they both look great aesthetically!

  • Ghostly aurora 7.6 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap xD

  • Yakovlev Yak-3 7.6 years ago

    @F4f879 np :)

  • Yakovlev Yak-3 7.6 years ago

    @F4f879 flies great once in the air. I found moving the landing gear forward some helped a lot during take off. I know this looks worse but maybe keep it where it is and xml mod to rotate the landing gear 'forward' some. This will increase the forward foot print without hurting aesthetics much. Other wise great build!

  • Ghostly aurora 7.6 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap haha thanks! I'm glad you flew it that far... It means a lot!

  • Dicycle 7.6 years ago

    Maybe change the yaw input on the gyro to roll and put the power of yaw to some low percentage (like 5 or 10) to assist turning. You could also have one wheel break slightly on roll or something using xml mods.

  • Ghostly aurora 7.6 years ago

    First plane with more than one upvote... Thanks @F104Deathtrap and @hopotumon

  • Moray 7.6 years ago

    First upvote from @traindude ... Thanks man!!!