I would hardly call the some of these instances design theft (I mean yes for the TU-4 obviously) but the others are completely different aircraft, some even filling different roles or having very different strengths and weaknesses. I mean, I am a proud American but at least give the Russians some credit here.
Also @BogdanX, I understand your complaint with the missiles but in the end I decided that they were a cool novelty. If you do not like them or can’t run them I would recommend the variants with conventional bombs. :)
I mean I don’t particularly see the problem here since irl looking down 10 degrees wouldn’t be an issue, it’s just the way I ended up making the thing @DerVito
The cannon ball is fired with no velocity into a box with true collisions. This box is contained within the missile and is thus carried with the missile to its designated target @HyperViper
NOTE: This has actual 'Nukes" (aka missiles with a cannon ball contained within acting as a "warhead" thus allowing a massive explosion) Basically this thing will kill lesser computers. There will be versions of this with conventional bombs on release ;)
I would recommend changing the lip of the engine to use a method kind of like what I did on my carver, where you change the rear thickness of a hollow fuselage to get the effect that the engine lip is rounded. Other then that I would say that this is one gorgeous wing!
It do be havin those curves @MrSilverWolf
+1I would hardly call the some of these instances design theft (I mean yes for the TU-4 obviously) but the others are completely different aircraft, some even filling different roles or having very different strengths and weaknesses. I mean, I am a proud American but at least give the Russians some credit here.
+7yeah i guess @KnightOfRen
Thanks! @KnightOfRen and I use fancytexts, just look it up :) @Boogly777
Oh god
Thanks man :) @CrushburnHQ
No @switdog08
Ehh nah @switdog08
Lol idk @switdog08
Yes it is as a matter of fact! @switdog08
Sadly, this could not be more true :(
+2Thanks! @M7MD_E04, the blast radius is about 0.7 miles so you should be at least a mile away from the target prior to detonation :)
Also @BogdanX, I understand your complaint with the missiles but in the end I decided that they were a cool novelty. If you do not like them or can’t run them I would recommend the variants with conventional bombs. :)
Thanks! @BogdanX & @BigChunguss
It’s... beautiful
+1Thank you! @Dastin
Thanks! @MisterT
Most doesn’t mean all ;) @DerVito
I’m not sure if I’ll go naval yet, maybe in the future when I have a chance @ChiChiWerx and thanks!
I mean I don’t particularly see the problem here since irl looking down 10 degrees wouldn’t be an issue, it’s just the way I ended up making the thing @DerVito
+1Oh, I was not aware that the F7u had that name @Hedero but thanks anyway!
Pretty much @asteroidbook345
You see, This Missile doesn’t know where it is at all times.
+12The cannon ball is fired with no velocity into a box with true collisions. This box is contained within the missile and is thus carried with the missile to its designated target @HyperViper
Thanks! @MisterT and yes It is hollow @BogdanX
The projectile from the cannon weapon, it acts as a warhead @HyperViper
around 1000 @Qwertyuiop88
NOTE: This has actual 'Nukes" (aka missiles with a cannon ball contained within acting as a "warhead" thus allowing a massive explosion) Basically this thing will kill lesser computers. There will be versions of this with conventional bombs on release ;)
+2I have found my spirit animal
+2Mig 21 go Squish
lol thanks! @MrSilverWolf
It is registered in San Marino ;)
Np @KLM_747
I would recommend changing the lip of the engine to use a method kind of like what I did on my carver, where you change the rear thickness of a hollow fuselage to get the effect that the engine lip is rounded. Other then that I would say that this is one gorgeous wing!
+3haha f-100 go smush
dang, this is really good!
+2Thanks! Glad you like it @PilotTRALALA
Thanks! @BoiBoicleetus69
Hey buddy, no need to be jealous of internet points, in the end it’s the fun you had making and flying the plane that matters most ;) @TheSavageManZ
+2Thanks :) @ChiChiWerx
Thanks! @ChiChiWerx
Thou hath awoken @NakAk
Ah lol @rexzion
why u mad @rexzion
My gauges are sub-assemblies, the rest is custom made. @Diloph