@AndrewGarrison People are starting to pirate this game. I saw a forum post by a guy who said in the post that he was pirating the game, though I can't find it anymore.
@Thefalloutplayr It's okay. Why do so many people who play this game suffer from depression, or is the depression a reason why this game is so popular?
@Haydenthedrummer It's not mine.
@Warbrine The only recognizable part now is the chassis XD.
@Warbrine Can I make a beta version of this with some body modifications and post it?
@HiILikePie Noice!
@Warbrine Okay.
@Warbrine Ah, okay.
@Warbrine I don't mind.
A C130?
@Warbrine I can't wait until the Cobra is done:)
@baallzebub The version. I made keeps the rear, but only kinda fixes the front.
@AndrewGarrison People are starting to pirate this game. I saw a forum post by a guy who said in the post that he was pirating the game, though I can't find it anymore.
@Thefalloutplayr Okay.
Hope you get better soon!
@Skua @MediocrePlanes @PhilipTarpley
Facepalms You don't mention on an OFFICIAL WEBSITE that you have a pirated version.
@Thefalloutplayr No problem
@Brields95 Ah.
@Thefalloutplayr It's okay. Why do so many people who play this game suffer from depression, or is the depression a reason why this game is so popular?
@baallzebub I will completely redesign the front, and with your permission, post it.
@Thefalloutplayr This has probably been suggested many, many times.
@baallzebub Ah, I'm going to have to use shocks.
@PhillipTarpley @AndrewGarrison
@Thefalloutplayr That sucks:(that no one else cared to comment) But no problem!
@Manboy Ah, okay. Just tag me when you feel like doing an open-wheel car.
@JDM Can't wait to see it!
@Manboy I can help with an open-wheel car.
@baallzebub Max spring strength and damping helps a bit, but it is still broken.
@baallzebub The shocks compress so much that it causes them to explode.
@djbanana Yea, I noticed that.
@baallzebub And half a second later...
@djbanana And then I look closely: pesticide is the gift.
@djbanana Not really, though it WAS funny.
@djbanana XD
@djbanana I don't like GTASA's theme.
@baallzebub Now it's even more broken:(
@clayman0 This is a couple months ago when I didn't really know what I was doing.
@djbanana I like that one, but there are better themes out there.
I have a Galaxy Note 4, so it'll probably run pretty well.
@General360 I noticed that a while ago, but thanks anyways:)
@archerabc No problem. I bet you could do a Furai.
Another fantastic car from a fantastic builder... +1 follower.
When the points update, you officially WILL be at 10k!
@Warbrine Awesome XD