@Kolyabebrov wow,really bro ?
Bang link discord nya gak bisa di buka bang
sorry there is something wrong in writing the sentence😅
@Hannyboy Ok,thank you
@13790194113 certainly can
@13790194113 because the missile does not have the ability to maneuver so we as players can control it
@Ummmhelli Yes sure
@Ummmhelli but if there is something wrong with the missile, I'm sorry, and I will promise to make a better one
@Ummmhelli do you mean the explosion was from a missile a, b, or c?
@ppp00000yugdu Yes sure bro
@ppp00000yugdu If that's the case, I will try to prepare the vehicle you mentioned, as quickly and as best I can
@ppp00000yugdu it can just be empty of fans, the problem is that other people's builds are better than mine
@xNotDumb here how to make F 14
@xzc080429 Example ![]( https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/964140860101001290/971257715479420928/Picsart22-05-0410-11-18-531.png )
Like this
@LIQUIDconsumer , Finland: polis, poliisi, if Indonesia: polisi. Wow, the language is almost the same😄,but this is an Indonesian police truck, but next time I will make one from Finland😄🙏
@Krishnaakbar Ya
@SimplePilot28465 thank you bro ☺
@Olegsandr 😯 sus
@Radhitya oke bang makasih ya 👍😅
is this specifically for machine guns only? can i use cannon?
@Tyrell thanks bro
@Tyrell use fuslage and wings ?:
@NCorp ,njirr santai dong
Yahaaa hayukk
Yahhaaa hayukkk
@wibuelit Oke bang, maksih ya
Itu penutup torpedo nya ada yang rusak , jadi tinggal di kasih trim aja
Translate ?
oh yes the torpedo is damaged, if you want to repair it, just press the torpedo cover and give 0 percent detact force for all torpedoes
Maaf jika bentuk nya ada yang gak sama
@SHDQ136 iya sih SU 57 versi buatan dalam negeri, awokawokawok mantap
@Kolyabebrov wow,really bro ?
Bang link discord nya gak bisa di buka bang
sorry there is something wrong in writing the sentence😅
@Hannyboy Ok,thank you
@13790194113 certainly can
@13790194113 because the missile does not have the ability to maneuver so we as players can control it
@Ummmhelli Yes sure
@Ummmhelli but if there is something wrong with the missile, I'm sorry, and I will promise to make a better one
@Ummmhelli do you mean the explosion was from a missile a, b, or c?
@ppp00000yugdu Yes sure bro
@ppp00000yugdu If that's the case, I will try to prepare the vehicle you mentioned, as quickly and as best I can
@ppp00000yugdu it can just be empty of fans, the problem is that other people's builds are better than mine
here how to make F 14
@xzc080429 Example
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/964140860101001290/971257715479420928/Picsart22-05-0410-11-18-531.png )
Like this
@LIQUIDconsumer , Finland: polis, poliisi, if Indonesia: polisi. Wow, the language is almost the same😄,but this is an Indonesian police truck, but next time I will make one from Finland😄🙏
@Krishnaakbar Ya
@SimplePilot28465 thank you bro ☺
@Olegsandr 😯 sus
@Radhitya oke bang makasih ya 👍😅
is this specifically for machine guns only? can i use cannon?
@Tyrell thanks bro
@Tyrell use fuslage and wings ?:
@NCorp ,njirr santai dong
Yahaaa hayukk
Yahhaaa hayukkk
@wibuelit Oke bang, maksih ya
Itu penutup torpedo nya ada yang rusak , jadi tinggal di kasih trim aja
Translate ?
oh yes the torpedo is damaged, if you want to repair it, just press the torpedo cover and give 0 percent detact force for all torpedoes
Maaf jika bentuk nya ada yang gak sama
@SHDQ136 iya sih SU 57 versi buatan dalam negeri, awokawokawok mantap