I Just Want to say... Dont make This post go away, He clearly said that he do not want to create any argue and anything such as, But i have to agree, personaly i think Zed is doing wrong, Not against rules but it Feels rude to us that spend lot of Time and soul into what we make.
@TheRedStormer And i don't like hes planes, what he makes takes me 15 minutes, i spend hours on my planes and gets a 3rd of the upvotes he gets. in a week he got as many points i've made in 3 months... I Don't think its fair to do what he do.
@corsair013 anytime :D
@Razr Yes of course.
@DeezDucks Shat Ap! You cannot Dear.
@SteadfastContracting I Had to <3
@SimpleFlow @MAHADI Thanks lads!
@AmazingAidan Its Yellow...
@Rohan Don't you mean 10 minutes?
@Rohan Beautiful! <3
Hey! Thats Pretty good!
@Sauce An hearless (Words to cruel to outer) * Mother **
@MechWARRIOR57 Strongly agree.
I Just Want to say... Dont make This post go away, He clearly said that he do not want to create any argue and anything such as, But i have to agree, personaly i think Zed is doing wrong, Not against rules but it Feels rude to us that spend lot of Time and soul into what we make.
Not to shabby there mate!
@Spikerya Aight :D
@BaconAircrafts Okay Mr.Bacon, i shall enter building an N1K1-J Shinden :D Good luck everybody
@BaconAircrafts Ah :D I might not but it was just for people that prefer jets :D
But Mr.Bacon, there was jets that wasn't prototypes during world war two ;_;
@Spikerya Like an module or just The barrel attached to The wing?
@TheRedStormer @Hunter77 Thanks!
Thanks @WeeBabySeamus :)
@AdvancedAeronautics :D
@frostbite Okey.
@frostbite 15, Soon 16.
@frostbite I Don't watch to much animated movies.
@corsair013 Ah, Good luck with that Then :D
@frostbite :P
@frostbite No not really, what you make have lots of potentional :) keep building just
@Liquidfox @frostbite Ay Thanks! :D
@Rohan C;
@ChaMikey :D (Mad spoilers make's everything better)
@horatio Then i don't know... it's suposted to work.
Just start mid air then :D
@MediocrePlanes Personal opinion just.
@TheRedStormer And i don't like hes planes, what he makes takes me 15 minutes, i spend hours on my planes and gets a 3rd of the upvotes he gets. in a week he got as many points i've made in 3 months... I Don't think its fair to do what he do.
@TheRedStormer It does, But since he changed the colour of it! it's an entire new plane :I...
@horatio Follow instructions in the desc.
Looks Nice, Not sure how you had use of my Radial Engine tho :P
Sexy, as Always :D
@TTHHSSSS It where Exactly The same, glad someone else noticed.
@TheRedStormer ;-; Why do he switch account? He's being bullied so he have to make new account, Attention whore?
Amazing, as always c;
@Brields95 @JoddyFubuki788 Thanks and, i guess it does. Big engine and short wings :P
@BobTheTitanSP @Insertname Thank you for The kind words :)
@Rohan That its so sexy i can't stop looking at it ;-;
@AntiSphere Thanks mate!
@BelvedreCompany @bjac0 Thanks!
@1997toyotasupra Thanks :D
When you can't take your bloody eye off it!
@KCferrari Lol Thanks :D
@Mox @AeroEngineering @spefyjerbf @Shmexysmpilot Thanks! :D
Eyy! You finished it c; So beautiful :o