73.9k WahrscheinlichIch Comments

  • rowing machine 8.7 years ago

    @goboygo1 that was somewhat my Idea, but I will build it just a little bit different... Might use it as a base for mine though ^^

  • Fief 8.7 years ago

    @FrankieB maybe, but my list is loooooooong...

  • Fief 8.7 years ago

    @bjac0 lol thank you

  • Fief 8.7 years ago

    @General360 thank you

  • Fief 8.7 years ago

    @PlanesAndThings thanks

  • Dhow 8.7 years ago

    @ancientshipbuilder You set the VTOL thrust ports to roll and steer with them instead of the control nozzles

  • Dhow 8.7 years ago

    For your next build: please put steering on roll. It is much more intuitive on pc that way

  • Dhow 8.7 years ago

    The sails are too small (at least in the front) and a good way too high up but other than that I like it ^^

  • Transforming Truck 8.7 years ago

    @WaffleAircrafts GERMAN xD

  • 1000 points build 8.7 years ago

    @Shampooshark 5 o'clock? where? for me, that was two hours ago ^^

  • Transforming Truck 8.7 years ago

    @birdsofsteel top 3/3 meinst du wohl xD

  • 1000 points build 8.7 years ago

    Washington, Essex, Xebec

  • Steampunk flying house 8.7 years ago

    @birdsofsteel schon fertig ^^

  • Css Stonewall 8.7 years ago

    Can you build a flying P-Liner? not one of those hundereds of small vessels, but one of the eight sisters. I just really like them.

  • Css Stonewall 8.7 years ago

    Great work as always with your ships ^^

  • Viking Longship 8.7 years ago

    You are legitly re-doing my sp carreer but you got noticed ^^

  • working paddler 8.7 years ago

    If I wasn't so buisy I would suggest we both build a ship with working paddlers and see wich one is better, but as it is...
    Nice work anyways

  • Xebec 8.7 years ago

    @Shampooshark dunno. Milo sent me a picture when he requested it with full latine rigg on all masts

  • Xebec 8.7 years ago

    @Shampooshark not by that much actually. I nailed some details, but I made some big mistakes like the length and the too small sails aswell.

  • pixel art potion of poison 8.7 years ago

    @goboygo1 nice work! I tried on Pixelart once, but it didn't get much attention or upvotes so I didn't continue to build them...

  • Vought V-173 8.7 years ago

    @crazyate8 thank you ^^

  • pixel art potion of poison 8.7 years ago

    I like pixel art

  • pixel art diamond sword 8.7 years ago

    Ya got them colors nailed ^^

  • Roman Galley 8.7 years ago

    @ancientshipbuilder I actually had pretty much the same plan with the paddlers, though I didn't know, on what ship to put them

  • Roman Galley 8.7 years ago

    @ancientshipbuilder Oh ok. I know that problem all too well from the Vasa, on wich I had to make the wonderful richly decorated stern just a flat plain surface. Made my heart bleed :(
    I always steer with the VTOL nozzles, but if I may give you one advice: always put a lot of vertical stabelizers into your ships so they don't drift. Even some of the best ship builders of this site make that mistake.

  • Roman Galley 8.7 years ago

    One question to you: Why do you have those finns in the back? A lot of builders put theese on boats, but WHY? They are unhistorical, kinda ruin the design and you can't start on maywar most of the time because they go too deep. Is ther ereally no way for you to make that look good? I never had to use them...
    Also btw I just noticed, that you forgot the rudder...
    Nice paintjob though ^^
    And PLEASE don't take anything I say offensive. I really just want to help others to improve their designs. In fact, I learn things from writing these things about others because it makes me see the exact same mistakes on my builds

  • Fictional 18th Century Frigate 8.7 years ago

    @General360 @ancientshipbuilder I wasn't sure about that, because on one hand, he obviously had been building before because he uses modding or at least fine tuner, wich is extremely unusual for a new one. On the other hand, this boat has a lot of mistakes you won't see on an experienced ship builders creation...

  • Xebec 8.7 years ago

    @deusalgor a lot of ppl wish for that, but why would they add THAT to a plane builder...

  • Sneak peek 8.7 years ago

    @AeroEngineering to be precise, there was also another trireme. This is the third roman ship

  • Roman Galley 8.7 years ago

    Very nice, the rigg looks pretty much exactly like mine...

  • Cap San Diego 8.7 years ago

    @henryscp Ja, die ist gemodded, damit sie die richtige Größe hat. Kannst du gerne benutzen

  • Northrop YB-49 8.7 years ago

    @Zerokiller3 I already did one, of if you want, there is an even better one availabpe as a sucessor of this plane

  • Sneak peek 8.7 years ago

    Though it doesn't seem like you need any help ^^

  • Sneak peek 8.7 years ago

    Here ya go. Maybe for some inspiration...

  • Sneak peek 8.7 years ago

    @EternalDarkness not the first one, but my one didn't have that eye. Without knowing how to modd or even nudge, that was out of my reach. But that was looooong ago. It was my first creation ever to get featured in a yt video (weaselzone)
    At any rate it looks fantastic ^^

  • Xebec 8.7 years ago

    @birdsofsteel alles Gewicht unter der Wasserlinie und alle bouyancy über der Wasserlinie

  • Xebec 8.7 years ago

    @birdsofsteel mehrere vertical stabelizer. Je größer das Schiff, desto mehr braucht man. In der Great republic sind zB ungefähr 10 riesige Stabilisatoren.

  • Star Wars - Exodus Class 8.7 years ago

    Mein Gott, du LEBST ja ^^

  • Xebec 8.7 years ago

    @FearlessFabEngineering thats still pretty cool

  • Xebec 8.7 years ago

    @FearlessFabEngineering cool ship, stupid name. I will build it when I have time. Thanks ^^

  • Fictional 18th Century Frigate 8.7 years ago

    Also heavy frigates had more cannons under deck

  • Xebec 8.7 years ago

    @MikuKat lol

  • Xebec 8.7 years ago

    @EternalDarkness @Treadmill103
    Thanks to all of you!

  • Xebec 8.7 years ago

    @BoxGlow that Idea came to me when I was building a plane. I wanted a small back wheel and accidently set the size to 0,01, leaving only this ball behind.
    Thank you ^^
    The steering just works with a lot of vertical stabelizers

  • Fictional 18th Century Frigate 8.7 years ago

    Tips for future builds:
    Masts are too small and thick
    Masts are not spead apart enough
    The bowspirit is missing
    Adding some major ropes improves the overall look by a lot
    The aftmost mast is missing two sails, the other two one

    Please don't missunderstand me, I just want to help you develope yourself and I know a LOT about ships from that period

  • Fictional 18th Century Frigate 8.7 years ago

    The ship is decent (some historical mistakes) but those guys on deck are really cool

  • Xebec 8.7 years ago

    @1997toyotasupra Thank you

  • Xebec 8.7 years ago

    @Devilsfish danke ^^

  • Battle Boat Contest 8.7 years ago

    @laSoul I am better? Never. Just look at your polar express. I am just good at ships mostly, so that is what I build. Also, I am quite creative when it comes to mechanisms and solving problems like improvising shapes. Also I realized, that not a single one of my creations was good enough in my eyes to be 3D printed...

  • Battle Boat Contest 8.7 years ago

    @laSoul If you say so... At least, I know, that points are worthless anyways.