Ahah, still need to aquire the skills to make planes that good XD
Well, computer should be the best, because on iOS I can't even mod parts on iFile XD
4 not modded engines, jet or prop (unlikely) @StealthBomber
Maybe by tomorrow? Shouldn't take too long to see if you can do it or not ; )
Too laggy for me to try : (
Good luck to all, I would like to see what you come up with. I have my own plan, but it just cleares the water XD
Thanks, I appreciate : )
One important thing I learnt today: detachers prevent wing breaking, yay XD
@hypnotoad thanks for the help, maybe we will encounter again : )
Thanks for noticing my request : )
@VonRichthofen Well, small jet engines don't need inlets if air flows directly in front of them, thanks for commenting allmighty Red Baron XD
Wow, so cool to have such an honorable creator rating my job : )
That was a weird discovery, rate if you like my planes : )
Yeah, there are a lot of better models, but I had the idea on my head for the looks, thanks for rating : )
Ahah, still need to aquire the skills to make planes that good XD
Well, computer should be the best, because on iOS I can't even mod parts on iFile XD
4 not modded engines, jet or prop (unlikely) @StealthBomber
Maybe by tomorrow? Shouldn't take too long to see if you can do it or not ; )
Too laggy for me to try : (
Good luck to all, I would like to see what you come up with. I have my own plan, but it just cleares the water XD
Thanks, I appreciate : )
One important thing I learnt today: detachers prevent wing breaking, yay XD
@hypnotoad thanks for the help, maybe we will encounter again : )
Thanks for noticing my request : )
@VonRichthofen Well, small jet engines don't need inlets if air flows directly in front of them, thanks for commenting allmighty Red Baron XD
Wow, so cool to have such an honorable creator rating my job : )
That was a weird discovery, rate if you like my planes : )
Yeah, there are a lot of better models, but I had the idea on my head for the looks, thanks for rating : )