8,434 WhenSupertogoPhysics Comments

  • PLEASE HELP 9.0 years ago

    @Lrdub now... Back rotors are to keep a heli from spinning, but if they are counter rotating props you don't have to put one. Hope I helped ; )

  • QuadCopter 9.0 years ago

    @Ajent101 post the link to yours, maybe I would like it : )

  • WW 1-2 idea 9.0 years ago

    @TheTitansAroundUs no problem, I'm sure you'll be great at doing that, just starting from the engine, it doesn't look bad ; )

  • Meyer T5D - "HeX" 9.0 years ago

    @TheFreakyWatermelon gg

  • Cruiser 9.0 years ago

    @JacobHardy64 Congrats! You are the one who crossed my 3000 milestone!

  • Cruiser 9.0 years ago

    @hypnotoad @StealthBomber @WalrusAircraft @ZFM99 @UnknownVectors

  • Meyer T5D - "HeX" 9.0 years ago

    Seizure warning! XD

  • Moon Rover 9.0 years ago

    @hypnotoad @UnknownVectors @ZFM99 @StealthBomber @WalrusAircraft

  • WW 1-2 idea 9.0 years ago

    Make it your self, I'm sure everybody will love it ; )

  • Bigfoot F150(Beta) 9.0 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus Oh, btw, I managed to mess up the game trying to make an aileron have dual control input and also have VTOL input (would be sooo cool to have these functions, the first for rudders and elevators for v-tailed planes, while the second would allow flaps) now I managed to make the game start again. Don't let this ideas get lost in time, they could be really cool additions, but I'm no Dev to mess the game like that, the engine isn't letting me XD

  • Bigfoot F150(Beta) 9.0 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus D : there isn't any way to join the iOS testers anymore? Not even gave an advice on it's existaince, maybe on a banner like for the new server rules... Wish I could test every single new aspect of the game and mess up the configs XD

  • Ultimate Heli Fixed (kinda) 9.0 years ago

    Improved the looks, you deserve it, but looks like counter- rotating props might be the only solution ; )

  • High Performance Glider 9.0 years ago

    @hypnotoad @StealthBomber @UnknownVectors

  • Advanced heli tech 9.0 years ago

    @LordofLego no problem, may be a way of making your self more known : )

  • Advanced heli tech 9.0 years ago

    @LordofLego well, it is perfectly balanced, but the rotor should need a counter rotating back rotor, but this issue shouldn't cause the heli to tilt, just to spin.

  • Advanced heli tech 9.0 years ago

    @hypnotoad @ZFM99 @StealthBomber @UnknownVectors

  • Compact UFO 9.0 years ago

    @JacobHardy64 Lol

  • Compact UFO 9.0 years ago

    @hypnotoad @UnknownVectors @ZFM99 @StealthBomber

  • QuadCopter 9.0 years ago

    @hypnotoad notice the quad copter doesn't spin uncontrollably? That is something essential when you build one in real life, for rc mode lists like me : ) each rotor spins the opposite way of the one next to it, if they all spin the same way, the copter will spin too. If you already knew this tip, it's just refreshing your mind, if not, you might use it some time : ) wasn't really confident that simple planes would calculate that factor, but surprisingly it did ; )

  • gira gira 9.0 years ago


  • QuadCopter 9.0 years ago

    @hypnotoad @WeeBabySeamus @ZFM99 @UnknownVectors @StealthBomber @WalrusAircraft

  • Wip Copter 9.0 years ago

    @hypnotoad I'm entering the VTOL stage, I always wanted to make a copter, but always failed. Now I have enough knowledge to make it happen : )

  • Advanced Vtol Technology 9.0 years ago

    @hypnotoad @WeeBabySeamus @StealthBomber @UnknownVectors @ZFM99

  • Wip Copter 9.0 years ago


  • Bigfoot F150(Beta) 9.0 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus informing you Devs that now the 5 planes rule may make sense, as the youtuber Jacksepticeye has recorded a video on the game, now it just needs to be uploaded some of these days, and if people like it, we may have a huge increase of players (just a theory), tell me what you think about this ; ) do you think it is good or bad? (By the game perspective, not the pocket perspective XD)

  • StarSP Prototype 9.0 years ago

    @Stingray maybe I was on low physics, I'll check again

  • Delta Hound 9.0 years ago

    @UnknownVectors I did many times, I like to test them on every aspect before rating : P

  • Bigfoot F150(Beta) 9.0 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus I guess also an experimental multiplayer like on kerbal would be an absolute success, maybe one day it will be an easier task with new engines ; )

  • Bigfoot F150(Beta) 9.0 years ago

    These messages are getting quite long, we are starting to write books XD

  • Bigfoot F150(Beta) 9.0 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus suchhan awesome game, when I found out about its existaince, I thought to my self why didn't I find this game before, being planes my passion and all my efforts going towards being a pilot, this is a really satisfying game. Since I don't use much the pc, I never got to buy kerbal (still didn't understand what is this game towards KSP...) keep the great work, would love to know when you are ready ; ) must be fun time to make games, maybe one day I'll do one also to accomplish my dream game with my friends : )

  • Delta Hound 9.0 years ago

    @UnknownVectors well, maybe you would like it, since you have been following me lately ; ) doesn't hurt anyway XD

  • Delta Hound 9.0 years ago

    @hypnotoad @ZFM99 @UnknownVectors

  • SpaceLiner 9.0 years ago

    @hypnotoad @ZFM99

  • Bigfoot F150(Beta) 9.0 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus and on what are you working for next advanced machine? And also, I see that people are starting to use more and more often modded parts on planes to make the game experience even more fun, bu is it okay with you Devs? If not, should I remove my tutorial on how to do so from an iOS device?


    @karlosdarkness ahah, most of my creations aren't ment to take off or land, but they are capable of doing it (land once fuel finishes and you glide quite well) ; )

  • Bigfoot F150(Beta) 9.0 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus yes, I do understand, but... There are three kinds of people: one that spend a lot of time on making huge beautiful machines, not always fully functional, others that pass hours and hours making many, small but highly functional aircrafts, with revolutionary systems ecc., and others that try hard but just end ruining the community... I do respect all of these three types of players, but the last ones could be avoided requiring everybody to complete missions that would require that player to build a functional plane. I don't think players above bronze are the ones causing the spam problem... But yet it is a good rule, but ends up limiting people that make useful things at the same time of others that don't know yet how the game works. And I have also another question: are you Devs always working on updates or is it just a casual thing?

  • Drone that needs help 9.0 years ago

    It is ready, but the new 5 planes a day rule is really annoying...

  • Drone that needs help 9.0 years ago

    No problem, my friend ; )

  • Bigfoot F150(Beta) 9.0 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus maybe being able to know in how much time I can upload again would be useful ; )

  • Bigfoot F150(Beta) 9.0 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus oh, maybe that's it, thanks. I was thinking, maybe if the limit was a bit bigger depending on the player class: white, bronze, silver and gold. And when is the next update coming, what will it have? Will pusher propellers be functional soon?

  • Bigfoot F150(Beta) 9.0 years ago

    @PhillipTarpley @WeeBabySeamus I thing you will have to correct your 5 planes limit, because it's not working right and everybody is complaining that it isn't resetting each day, but it is counting till 5 planes, THEN, even if you did one plane per day, it will tell you that you have uploaded too many aircraft that day, and you will have to wait because it added up the planes day after day... Maybe I'm not explaining perfectly, but I hope that you amazing Devs know what to do ; )

  • Drone that needs help 9.0 years ago

    Now I can't upload more palnes, but as soon as I can I will

  • Drone that needs help 9.0 years ago

    Help is coming : )


    @hypnotoad @StealthBomber @WalrusAircraft @ZFM99 @PlanesOfOld

  • StarSP Prototype 9.0 years ago

    @hypnotoad @StealthBomber @ZFM99

  • Shining Cresent 9.0 years ago

    Both jailed and not. Not jailbroken its much harder, but no pc assist : 3

  • Shining Cresent 9.0 years ago

    No .assets on iOS devices, lol. I founded iOS modding, making also a tutorial on youtube, so I work with what I have ; )

  • Project 34 9.0 years ago

    @hypnotoad @StealthBomber

  • Project 34 9.0 years ago

    Hey! Why isn't this more voted?! It is awesome!

  • Shining Cresent 9.0 years ago

    Interesting model, ever thought to check my modrack, to have unlimited access to modded parts? Myabe a rate there could help too ; )