@Flightsonic Well it didn't really get hacked,I think it was from the computer overheating and crashing due to a game I was playing on it. It still works and you can get on it,but I'm just going to kinda lay off Of it until I think it's ready again.
I tried a experiment on trying to make a giant bomb by clipping a million Boom 50s that were connected to this small tube which was also connected by a detacher under one of my bombers. Don't try it because after you clip like 15 bombs or more,the start to go mental and then all 15 will blow up at the same time. @Flightsonic
Oh,well I use low physics cause I'm on mobile and the props seem to explode when you pitch really hard at around 500 mph @Cedy117 But this aircraft I think is a MAJOR upgrade to the previous Shepard,I adore the handling.
I really REALLY like this new upgrade to the Shepard,but I found one flaw. On low physics(haven't tested medium or high) If you pitch up really fast around 500mph,The props explode and then send the aircraft into a high-speed stall. I really like this aircraft,but I'm just giving a heads up. 10/10 On everything else.
@EH21122005 Nah he didn't copy,it appears to me that he added jet engines under the wings and that's it. It may not seem like much but he can do that. It mentions this in the rules.
alt text
I'm testing...
@MrSilverWolf How do I do this it looks like I'm trying to write code for a game or something.
I'm talking about this plane you built.
Impressive Build,I bet it may get a spot on the featured list
@Flightsonic Well it didn't really get hacked,I think it was from the computer overheating and crashing due to a game I was playing on it. It still works and you can get on it,but I'm just going to kinda lay off Of it until I think it's ready again.
@Norman0rumeral No,I don't sadly
@Flightsonic I cannot do that since I'm on mobile and my computer got hacked :\
@ThunderstormAviation I'm perfectly fine with it.
@Noman0rumeral BTW how do you put pictures in comments?
@Noman0rumeral Ok thanks.
@TOPDOG7 Amen!
@iDrakeZz guess they changed it then.
@NewAir I have no idea,It's probably just another American thing I guess.
@iDrakeZz Is the uss beast the real life looking aircraft carrier? I thought it was nammed uss jundroo
@Luke92778 I tried it,LOL. I shot the uss tiny and it just slid away at around 1000mph and it got faster XD
Haven't tried it on the tiny or Judroo,do they just fly of to Timbuktu when you shoot them?
Lel I put 2 of these on one of my planes and shot it at one of the bridges,you need to try it it's hilarious XD
@AgDynamics Lol,the Soviets are among us
I tried a experiment on trying to make a giant bomb by clipping a million Boom 50s that were connected to this small tube which was also connected by a detacher under one of my bombers. Don't try it because after you clip like 15 bombs or more,the start to go mental and then all 15 will blow up at the same time. @Flightsonic
Woah that will surely crash my game lol @Flightsonic
@Flightsonic Aw shucks,and sorry for my grammar,It sounded good in my head while I was typing it.
Oh,well I use low physics cause I'm on mobile and the props seem to explode when you pitch really hard at around 500 mph @Cedy117 But this aircraft I think is a MAJOR upgrade to the previous Shepard,I adore the handling.
I really REALLY like this new upgrade to the Shepard,but I found one flaw. On low physics(haven't tested medium or high) If you pitch up really fast around 500mph,The props explode and then send the aircraft into a high-speed stall. I really like this aircraft,but I'm just giving a heads up. 10/10 On everything else.
@amazingperson124 I can only imagine XD
@Rohan Actually I know that and I've had a lot of fun with it :D
@EH21122005 Nah he didn't copy,it appears to me that he added jet engines under the wings and that's it. It may not seem like much but he can do that. It mentions this in the rules.
@Rohan Alright,I was trying to make a Hawker tempest armed with its 4 20mm Hispano Cannons, But the BK-27 will do.
@Rohan Hey can you mod another wing gun into a 20mm auto-cannon? I would really like it if you made it have the same fire rate and caliber.
How do I make Chat posts like this?
But where did it go? 0.0
I'm still mobile testing on TestFlight. If I update my game while I'm still using test flight could it break the game?
Wasn't the 747-100 the first 747 to enter service with airlines?
Looks a lot like a aircraft with thrust vectoring characteristics
Nice details
Wow,I always tried to make a working nose cannon ever since the guns came out and this is the first I've seen one work properly! Amazing!
It crashed my game :D
Congrats man,keep making those Amazing planes of yours! 👍
@NewAir Alright sorry I'll delete it,and what do you mean I repainted something under another user made? This is a Korean War F-86 Paint scheme.
Do they only affect aircraft damage?
I have used rocket pods and I have destroyed the bridges before,I was wondering if these could work on the bridges.
I shot these at the bridges, y they not explode and collapse?
Alright thanks.
Got the names yet?
And I spelled apologies wrong :\