@32 that wouldn't work,all of the cover would detach.but i have found a solution:you attach a missile to a detacher,you attach the cover on that same detacher,and voila
@Snargles for a trust reverser you can put all the input of the reverse mechanism to brake,so that when you brake it reverse,and you also need an engine facing the back
@Scrabble5555 well imdont exactly know how much day but most challenge have one whole month or even more
And for me,school will restart so i won't have much time
"First plane"? That's AMAZING for a first plane!
@NavalGunnery alrighty
@Monarchii okay
@Monarchii wait,did you use structural panel or structural wing?and if you used structural panel,how did you make it so thin?
I dont see any thank better than other
I just see tank that are different to be honest
I finished the main body,but i didn't do the details
@32 that wouldn't work,all of the cover would detach.but i have found a solution:you attach a missile to a detacher,you attach the cover on that same detacher,and voila
@Graingy yeah,he'll be fine :)
I've got some kind of music playing in my head
Very nice!
@Graingy you better start now
@72 oh
Look 4/5
Target 3.5/5
Special 1/5
standing here,i realize you were just like me trying to...
Should i play the song to test it?
@XtarsTheExdarichGuy33106 aww man!
@72 well...
I flew with it it caused this
What's wrong?
@Nerfaddict really?
@Sakorsky dang
So who won?
@Sakorsky who won?
@BARREND you're welcome
@Snargles for a trust reverser you can put all the input of the reverse mechanism to brake,so that when you brake it reverse,and you also need an engine facing the back
What is it supposed to do?
Look 4/5
Target 4/5
Special 2/5
It is very fun and i like the radar!
@Scrabble5555 thank
@Mousewithamachinegun123 click here
@Scrabble5555 well imdont exactly know how much day but most challenge have one whole month or even more
And for me,school will restart so i won't have much time
Can you give us more time?I would like to join but I'm afraid I'll take too much time
@NavalGunnery are you still in or have you gave up?
Now that's big... 5000 ton?
@BARREND by the way nice pfp
@BARREND oh yeah the 3 vehicle limit...
Upload it later
It's way more fun to play with it than i thought,crashed mid-air with a plane!
@BARREND Anti-Air (AA)
Isn't just a seaplane tender an aircraft carrier?by the way that's awsome!
@BARREND of course you can
@SILVERPANZER that's it,motivation and perseverance
Hey I'm half done
@JSTQ wait it's the cannon that damage itself?that's kinda weird
Those missile are really interesting
@EnglishGraden huh
I dont know but it is fun
This is peak SP
@Monarchii ohhh that's smart
I launched a torpedo and to front gun jumped?
@IzzyTheCat yeah it's a javelin,but i do not own it.