Stall Speed: 200MPH---
Max Speed (Below 500 Feet): 560MPH---
Minimum Nose Up Speed: N/A---
Maximum Speed On Ground (Or Speed When Plane Naturally Comes Off Ground): N/A---
Molded Engines: Yes---
Speed: 8/10---
Agility: 8/10---
Looks: WOW/10---
Forgiving Aircraft: No---
Easy To Fly: No---
Overall Rating: 95/100---
Notes: The was you keep this flying straight is just amazing. Great job. Looks amazing and flies well in the hands of a skilled pilot.
Stall Speed: 30MPH---
Max Speed (Below 500 Feet): 1305MPH---
Minimum Nose Up Speed: 190MPH---
Maximum Speed On Ground (Or Speed When Plane Naturally Comes Off Ground): 500MPH---
Molded Engines: Yes---
Speed: 10/10---
Agility: 8/10---
Looks: 10/10---
Forgiving Aircraft: Yes---
Easy To Fly: Yes---
Overall Rating: 95/100---
Notes: y u invert rudder =(
Wow, nice work
Them props
@rjt9906 Thank you so much.
@rjt9906 thanks =)
@rjt9906 thanks =)
@hypnotoad you mentioned it before and I tried to remove it from my mind being that sh*t scary. Lol I will give it a go.
@hypnotoad anything you want to see me do/ fly?
@hypnotoad hard to land? what are you talking about? they land beautifully.. oh wait... I have all the flight sim hours =P
my game exploded, along with my PC
you can do some crazy stuff with this
@Teus =)
"ex-girlfriend shows up in her F-22 Raptor" are they really that easy to get?? why don't I have one yet =P
@picy =)
Stall Speed: 200MPH--- Max Speed (Below 500 Feet): 560MPH--- Minimum Nose Up Speed: N/A--- Maximum Speed On Ground (Or Speed When Plane Naturally Comes Off Ground): N/A--- Molded Engines: Yes--- Speed: 8/10--- Agility: 8/10--- Looks: WOW/10--- Forgiving Aircraft: No--- Easy To Fly: No--- Overall Rating: 95/100--- Notes: The was you keep this flying straight is just amazing. Great job. Looks amazing and flies well in the hands of a skilled pilot.
@Zing2000 sure, why not
working on this, but I have some stuff to do. might take all day
@hypnotoad I have a call up, sorry I missed your first one.
@hypnotoad You helped me start building =) I actually get the balance and stuff.
@hypnotoad =) don't worry about it. You'll learn.
@Zing2000 anything specific you want me to review?
@Zing2000 sure =)
@hypnotoad done
Stall Speed: 30MPH--- Max Speed (Below 500 Feet): 1305MPH--- Minimum Nose Up Speed: 190MPH--- Maximum Speed On Ground (Or Speed When Plane Naturally Comes Off Ground): 500MPH--- Molded Engines: Yes--- Speed: 10/10--- Agility: 8/10--- Looks: 10/10--- Forgiving Aircraft: Yes--- Easy To Fly: Yes--- Overall Rating: 95/100--- Notes: y u invert rudder =(
Nice improvement
Looks great
good work. It's a nice start
@deimosrun yeah it's crazy
Cute little plane
wow. the amount of detail on the systems is awesome.
Nice upgrade to the original
@NasaSpace101 its actually the 6th, not the 10th. my bad
@NasaSpace101 no, I was just saying
71st D-Day Anniversary on The 6th
Just awesome
lol, very complex
Awesome, so much fun
Even better than the ones before it
Wow, awesome
Thank you for helping make this a nice community
Pure jet black awesomeness. I love war birds, thank you for making this. =)
Great plane
Thank you, I love it
Nice job
@StealthBomber well it looks amazing so nice work